Rcatron1963's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by rcatron1963  —  There are currently 79 poems total — keep up the great work!

Expressions Of Love...

He wanted to set the mood on this special day,
The candles he had all over the house showed the way.
The music was softly playing a warm romantic sound,
On ice - a chilled bottle of wine could be found.
He's cleaned all of the house and did all...

by Robert Catron

added 5 days ago
Coming To Believe...Lesson Thirteen...Step 2...

Saying that we "came to believe" suggests a process. Belief is the result of consideration, doubt, reasoning, and concluding. The ability to form beliefs is part of what it means to be made in God's image. It involves emotion and logic. It leads...

by Robert Catron

added 8 days ago
Restoration...Lesson Twelve...

In the natural progression of addiction, life degenerates. In one way or another, many of us wake up one day to realize that we are living like an animal. How true this is depends on the nature of our addictions. Some of us may be living like an...

by Robert Catron

added 18 days ago
Healing Faith...Step 2

Faith is a key to successfully working the second step. For some of us faith comes easily. For others, especially if we have experienced betrayal, it may be more difficult. Sometimes we must exhaust all of our own resources in trying to overcome...

by Robert Catron

added 26 days ago
Internal Bondage...Lesson Ten...

When we are under the influence of our addictions, their hold on us may seem to have supernatural force. We may give up on life and throw ourselves into self-destructive behaviors with reckless abandon. Others may also give up on us. They may...

by Robert Catron

added 1 month ago
Concrete And Steel...

It's hard to understand how the pain inside can be so intense,
You think of how I used to live my life - I had no sense.
I was arrested today in a California desert through much strife,
You see - I had been on the run from an out of control life....

by Robert Catron

added 2 months ago
Grandiose Thinking - Lesson Nine...

When we are caught up in addictions, it's common for us to deny the truth about our situation with grandiose thinking. We may believe that we're above it all, a god unto ourselves, accountable to no one.

  In his day, Nebuchadnezzar, king of...

by Robert Catron

added 2 months ago
Persistent Seeking...Lesson Eight...

One thing that may make it hard to believe in God is that life often seems unfair to us. We didn't ask to be born into a dysfunctional family! We didn't have any say over the abuses and injustices we have suffered! We didn't choose our...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago

Nobody cares how much you know till they know how much you care,
Have you ever given someone your heart - only to find out - for you they're not there?
I know I've felt alone - we've all been there a time or two,
Yet - we still love them - have...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
The Paradox Of Powerlessness...Lesson Seven

We may be afraid to admit that we are powerless and that our lives are unmanageable. If we admit that we are powerless, won't we be tempted to give up completely in the struggle against our addictions? It doesn't seem to make sense that we can...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
Thankful To Be The Way God Made Me...

Dear Lord, thank you for being a trustworthy God. Help me to always remember that you made no mistake when you created me the way you did. Give me contentment and gratitude for the person you made me to be. In Jesus’ name,...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
A Time To Choose...Lesson Six

There are important moments in life that can change our destiny. These are often times when we are confronted with how powerless we are over the events of our lives. These moments can either destroy us or forever set the course of our lives in a...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
Like Little Children...Lesson Five

For many of us in recovery, memories of childhood are full of the terrors associated with being powerless. If we were raised in a family that was out of control, where we were neglected, abused, or exposed to domestic violence and dysfunctional...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
Hope Amidst Suffering...Lesson Four

There are times when we are so confused and overwhelmed by the pain in our lives that we wish we could die. No matter what we do, we are powerless to change things for the better. The weight of the pain and sadness seems too heavy to bear. We can't...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
A Humble Beginning...Lesson Three

It can be very humiliating to admit that we are powerlessness, especially if we are used to being in control. We may be powerful in some areas of our lives, but out of control in terms of our addictive/compulsive behaviors. If we refuse to admit...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
Dangerous Self-Deception...Lesson Two

When we refuse to admit our powerlessness we are only deceiving ourselves. The lies we tell ourselves and others are familiar: "I can stop any time I want to." "I'm in control; this one won't hurt anything." And all the while, we are inching closer...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
No-Win Situations...Lesson One

Sometimes we are powerless because of our situations in life. We may be in a situation where other people have power over us. We may feel that we are trapped by the demands of others and that there's no way to please them all. It's a double blind:...

by Robert Catron

added 3 months ago
Heartfelt Emotions...

I have recently shared many of my words of rhyme here on Poetry.com,
They've told you of my testimony - and some even told you of my Mom.
As you've read - I was abused as a child - and even later as a grown man,
The Lord has helped me to share my...

by Robert Catron

 1 View
added 3 months ago
Heartfelt Emotions...

I have recently shared many of my words of rhyme here on Poetry.com,
They've told you of my testimony - and some even told you of my Mom.
As you've read - I was abused as a child - and even later as a grown man,
The Lord has helped me to share my...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Concrete And Steel...

It's hard to understand how the pain inside can be so intense,
You think of how I used to live my life - I had no sense.
I was arrested today in a California desert through much strife,
You see - I had been on the run from an out of control life....

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Freedom Of Expression...

A door inside me was recently opened for which I had no key,
Artistic expression has been unlocked - as you can now see.
All these feelings are being rejuvenated - now flowing like a stream,
It's much easier for words to be written now that I...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
A Resurrection Of The Truth...

It's been so long since I put words into rhyme,
I had lost the will and didn't have the time.
I was badly deceived by a friend and completely lost my way,
There was only time for pain and hurt - no time for play.
To say I went through hell is...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Wounded Heart...

This is the story of my daughter, Christine, and myself,
She has a nickname that she calls herself - it's a kind of elf.
Our relationship has been tough even from the start,
Many different situations lead up to this and it breaks my heart.

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Why Not Me...?

Some days are good, some days are bad,
Wish I could feel all the love I've had.
Sometimes it's hard to see thru the pain,
All of the memories they still remain.
Life seems cold much like a clone,
At times all I feel is simply alone.
Gave all...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Trying To Live With Myself...

To say that I've had a rough couple of years would be an understatement,
My health has completely turned on me just to give you a hint.
First I kept collapsing not really knowing even when or why?
Found out it was my testosterone, two pumps daily...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Tis The Season...

Tis the season to be jolly,
Little boys wish for a puppy Collie.
Then there are little girls,
Who wish for dolls with lots of curls.
Next is Mom with the Holiday cheer,
Who hopes all of the family can make it here.
Now comes Dad with all the...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Times Like These...

It's times like these that are hard on us all,
With all of the wars in the middle east - Could our loved ones get the call?
September eleventh will live on in our hearts and minds forever,
Osama Bin Laden thought he was being so clever.
The pain...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Thru Deaf Ears...

Have you ever wondered what a deaf person can hear,
Could we handle life if our hearing would just disappear.
Would we still like music - the movies - or cars,
Would we still have high hopes & reach for the stars.
Deaf peoples' spirits always...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Blurred Memories...

Have you ever tried to get someone to stop drinking,
Then wondered - what was I thinking?
I can tell you I've been there - that's hard to say,
Eleven years ago I buried my mom from the bottles way.
I watered it down - I poured it out - I tried...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Thru The Eyes Of Love...

I've heard people say real love is hard to find,
Some even try to say that love can even make you blind.
There are those who say they'll never love again,
For their hearts have hardened - their inner walls are closing in.
You have the people who...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Word Man...

I come to you tonight with some words that I rhyme,
Sometimes these thoughts just come to me without much time.
At times these thoughts they seem to weigh heavy on my heart,
Like a mountain of large rocks just trying to tear me apart.

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Way, The Truth, And The Life...

I believe in the Lord very strongly - He's the guide in my life,
He's helped me thru so much during my journey - He's even helped my wife.
There's still a lot I don't understand about the Lord's way,
So I reach out to the Lord thru prayer and try...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Truth About A Lie...

I've come to know the truth of a lie,
They hurt all of our feelings and they make us cry.
I don't understand why they were ever started at all,
Did someone say they were needed--who made that call?
Why can't we just open our hearts and tell it...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Sinner's Prayer...

I come before you from my heart with a prayer,
For I know you are here for me and that you care.
My life is filled with sorrow instead of joy,
I've played off my whole life as if it were a toy.
I know you're out there every night and day,

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Silent Abuser...

I've a couple of times seen that love can't be true,
It can be so strong it'll make you black and blue.
When will we as people ever begin to learn,
We sit back and watch it happen with little to no concern?
It could be a friend or even a family...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Purple Rose Never Left To Bloom...

It's so hard to understand this world in which we all live,
Why bad things happen to God fearing people even with all they give.
You can see the devil's evil no matter which direction you look,
He went too far this time - an innocent young life...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Never Ending Love Story...The Life of Bobby & Boogy

He sat one day and thought - now looking back on his life,
Many years ago as a young child - he had already chosen his wife.
They met up every summer and played on her farm all day in the sun,
Never meaning any harm to anyone - they were just...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Lord Is My Shepherd

The Lord is my Shepherd in Him I believe,
Just ask for His strength and you will receive.
The Lord will watch over you and protect you from harm,
He will lead you thru life's challenges holding on to your arm.
In times of trouble you may think...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Dad I Never Had...The Beast Within

I know I have spoken of my father in some of the poems you read already,
But there's another story I need to tell and that's how he was mentally not steady.
My father was diagnosed when I was later in my teens with the following list of issues,

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
The Cowboy...the Man Behind The Rhymes...

This is a story of a man who loves the Lord,
He lived his life with his heart on his sleeve - like a double edged sword.
He gave all of his heart to everything that he did,
But he never let go of living in his mind like a little kid.
He always...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Temptations Of The Body

If you've ever been tempted I know you'll understand,
How temptation can overwhelm you with it's huge demand.
It starts in the heart & then goes to the mind,
You've got to get it under control - someway you'll find.
You know it's lust that's...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Some Days...

Some days are diamonds - Some days are old,
Some days are so hard - it makes a shoulder cold.
You wake up in the morning with spirits held high,
By the end of the day you may ask yourself why?
They say life is too short to live it being unhappy,...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Second Best...

Have you ever felt like you were second best,
Like your just not as good as all of the rest?
You don't have the looks or enough money,
No one to hold you or call you Honey.
You give them your heart full of joy,
They just treat you like an...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago

We go thru our lives-living like we're all that mattered,
Never looking back at the people whose feelings we shattered.
We take love for granted like they'll always be there,
They leave us behind-and we ask-don't you care?
We'll take everything...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Reality Of The Heart...

It's hard to understand the reality of the heart,
You see, love can blind you right from the start.
You can be friends or lovers it really doesn't matter,
When your heart's been broken - it's your dreams that shatter.
We've all been hurt before...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Real Friends...

Real friends are someone that you've known for awhile,
They don't keep track of your mistakes and put them in a file.
They don't ever judge you for the times when you've done wrong,
For they've wrote a few words in their own mistakes song.

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Played By The Game...

When you're looking for love it's hard to believe,
The love you give out you seldom receive.
There's a heart broken on every street,
It seems that's the only people you can meet.
After you've been hurt and your heart is broken,
You think about...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Opening The World's Hearts

There is a very great need in the world today,
We must all wake up and give of ourselves in every way.
There is always someone that each of us know,
That needs our help in someway, shape, or form-so let it show.
Yes, we are all facing our own...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago
Not A Heavenly Father

In the back of my mind this story starts around the young age of four,
My father was left in charge of me - even what he did behind a closed door.
He would wait till my mother left or went to bed and then he would enter our room,
Naturally I was...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago

Nobody cares how much you know till they know how much you care,
Have you ever given someone your heart - only to find out - for you they're not there?
I know I've felt alone - we've all been there a time or two,
Yet - we still love them - have...

by Robert Catron

added 5 months ago

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