Stevec.24118's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by stevec.24118  —  There are currently 627 poems total — keep up the great work!

Architect of the Universe

Dear God, above with so much love,
Creation was Your aim.
You saw the dark that had no spark
Of light for you to tame.

But then You spoke, sunshine awoke
Which caused the dark to hide,
Permitted to come into view
Upon Earth's other side. ...

by Steve Cochrane

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added 2 days ago
When Gray is the Way

I am quite old, or so I'm told.
My hair is turning gray.
My speed is slow, but still, I go
And make it all the way.

My vision's not what youth had brought.
My hearing's not the same.
Nor Can I hear with mental ear,
My parents speak my name!...

by Steve Cochrane

added 3 days ago
Poetic Volcano

In my poetic volcano
Are thoughts that flow as one.
They melt and move and then they go
Up to the top for fun.

At first, they flow to where they want
In search of poetry.
They really seem to like the hunt
And warmth they bring to me!


by Steve Cochrane

added 3 days ago
Tripping Over Words

My words are here. My words are there.
I seem to find them everywhere!
If I forget to look for them,
Including future shiny gems,
They step in front with hope I'll glance
And see their beauty as I glance
About the room of flying words;

by Steve Cochrane

added 3 days ago

Delay, Delay, Delay,
It often seems that way
For those who don't
Or simply won't
Say what they hate to...

by Steve Cochrane

added 7 days ago
When Pain Is Deep

Not every prison has those bars
Nor does each broken heart have scars.
Sometimes the pain is deep inside
Because of things we want to hide!

We must believe we can escape
With bruises, cuts and sometimes scrapes,
But try we must no matter how...

by Steve Cochrane

added 7 days ago
Throwing Arrows at the Dark

I sometimes throw my arrows at
The darkness in my soul.
My compound bow is saying that
Peace ought to be my goal!

I do agree that peace is more
Important though I hear
Someone "release the dogs of war"; *
More battles coming here!


by Steve Cochrane

added 8 days ago
Rita Will Come

My wife says diarrhea will
Attack from where it's from.
She calls her Rita, who instills
Much fear When Rita comes

It chews through time that you will spend
Alone, Alone, Alone.
Butt do not fear, because your end
Won't be when Rita comes! ...

by Steve Cochrane

added 8 days ago
When Nature Spoke to Me

I climbed and climbed
While in my prime.
The mountain I was on;

To see all things
That nature brings
Until the sun was gone.

I then prepared
My mat right there;
My journey brought me far.

But just before
My nightly snore,
I looked...

by Steve Cochrane

added 9 days ago
Our Bodies Don't Water Down the Truth

Don't wait till you are thirsty.
Don't wait till water's cold.
Don't wait till its' convenient.
Don't ask for it when bold.

Please drink it very often.
Please drink till you're hydrated.
Please drink to flush your system;
Your blood will be...

by Steve Cochrane

added 11 days ago
The Drops that Used to Mingle

My hope receding as I'm bleeding
Happiness and more.
You wounded me, I guess to see
My bleeding as before!

Again, you turned so now I've learned
How deep your knife will go!
The bleeding won't stop; now I don't
Know how to stop the flow!


by Steve Cochrane

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added 12 days ago
The Furry Member

If I should buy a hamster to
Replace our Shiloh dog,
A little furry creature who
Would never be a slog!

A little furry guy I could
Hold in a single hand,
And feel his furry heart that would
Be scared of what I planned!

Because I would...

by Steve Cochrane

added 13 days ago
The Broken Alarm

When I was just a little boy,
My parents never said
They were concerned my lack of joy
Looked like a sense of dread.

When teenage years had come to be,
My parents never spoke
About why no one came to see
Their son who rarely spoke.


by Steve Cochrane

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added 15 days ago
The Things I Do Not Know

My focus is off.
Does that make you scoff?
My anger is red
At thoughts in my head!
They swirl all around,
But don't make a sound
That others can hear
Or ever be near!
Did anger create
My afternoon fate,
Or tell sadness go?

by Steve Cochrane

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added 15 days ago
Why Do They Keep Pushing

I wish I had the way right now
To tell you what I feel,
A way for me to show you how
My anguish is quite real!

The people who should know me well
Enough to sense my pain,
Continue pushing though I tell
Them things that seem in vain!


by Steve Cochrane

added 17 days ago
Fears of a Victim

Afraid to go. Afraid to stay.
Why does it always seem that way?
Afraid of here. Afraid of there.
It never seems to matter where!

I cannot run. I cannot hide!
I can't escape from endless tides!
They roll so fast. They come at me,

by Steve Cochrane

added 18 days ago
Choosing What to View

Sometimes the beauty of the world
Does not come into view,
Except in images quite blurred
The kind I always knew!

Sometimes the fragrance nature brings,
Can't get into my nose
My stormy wind won't let such things
Bring pleasure like a...

by Steve Cochrane

added 20 days ago
Did You Hear Him Whisper?

On Pentecost, when all seemed lost,
Disciples went to where God sent
Them to an empty room.

They had to wait; not hesitate
For soon He would be where He should
To teach what future looms.

It was foretold and God controlled
Events that...

by Steve Cochrane

added 21 days ago

You are a special graduate,
With eighteen-years of charm!
I pray that God will never let
You come to any harm!

You have so many plans to fill;
Your journey has begun
To seek and find the kind of thrills
Where sadness will be "None"!


by Steve Cochrane

added 21 days ago
The Disappearing Rabbit

I bought a funny hat one day
To do a magic trick.
I practiced what to do and say
And learned it all real quick.

I put a rabbit in the hat
To do a magic spell,
But I forgot I had a cat.
It did not go to...

by Steve Cochrane

added 22 days ago
The Ocean of Tears

She felt the moisture at her feet,
But hope is sometimes incomplete.
She did not truly notice it,
As water slowly filled the "pit".

Her lonely tears had risen too,
Above each worn-out leather shoe.
But still, she didn't notice all

by Steve Cochrane

added 22 days ago
My Worn-Out Soul

My soul feels tossed and sometimes lost
When someone says I need
To only trust their words and must
Not question where they lead.

My soul will cry whenever I
Feel no one cares about
The things I want and said upfront,
Their honesty in...

by Steve Cochrane

added 23 days ago
The Life of a Christian: Selected Poems[0]=AZUQaW6tQOe79vtZ5XM98KFXNBrGHxKfO5bdr4dkkjqLk2M1d5qNEC5R29GVXbVdXgEb9dhHgH9NZQcngA1R641QKWafgGhum8PNM1Ym9YxRtxZqgf8NKn5qcjSGX2vjtcw&__tn__=EH-RTh...

by Steve Cochrane

added 24 days ago
It Doesn't Really Matter!

There's not much water in the tub
Not even when its full!
But that will never be "the rub"
For those whose life feels dull.

A pond is usually quite small
If you compare that pond
To any lake beneath a squall
As well when rain moves on.


by Steve Cochrane

added 25 days ago
Unfocused and Uncontrolled

When I am driving my surviving
Weighs upon my mind.
Since some don't care if someone's where
Such drivers in are unkind!

Some go as far when in their car,
Exploding in road rage
To change the fate of those they hate
When using Satin's...

by Steve Cochrane

added 26 days ago
I Have Come This Day

I've come to be your armor!

 I want to be your guide!

 No longer just a farmer.
You do not have to hide!

I've come this day to fight for you,
While others run away!
I've come to see this battle...

by Steve Cochrane

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added 26 days ago
The Udder Truth!

Hey Diddle, Diddle,
The cow sat on my fiddle!
He broke it in two!
What else could I do?

I had fresh steak with my...

by Steve Cochrane

added 27 days ago
My Hugs Are Stronger Than Your Tears!

If life should ever knock you down
And torrents soon appear,
You will get wet but do not fret
I'll hug away your tears!

All torrents like a river flow
And currents act like shears,
When shattered lives are cut like knives
And cause so many...

by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
Shiloh the Jealous Dog

Whenever Shiloh hears someone
Begin to talk to me,
He quickly comes just like a son
Within our family!

He always gets in front of those
Who want some of my time
Apparently, it's what he chose,
So, in my lap he climbs.

I might be wrong,...

by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
Purpose, Poems and Peace!

Dear God, I'm sorry for each time
I strayed away from You.
And as a Christian poet I'm
Delayed in all I do

In serving You through poems I
Write from my heart and soul
With hope that every time I try,
I'll reach my Christian goal


by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
A Friend Who'd Do the Same

What is it weighing on your mind?
Is there something that you must find?
If you will tell me what you lost,
Especially if there was much cost,
I'll help you anyway I can
Unless you have another plan.
Or did you lose the one you love

by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
Come to the Table

God "speaks" to us through sunshine.
He "speaks" to us through rain.
His voice is soft and yet divine
With love that will remain!

God feeds us with the Bread of Life.
Our soul can't get enough,
And Living Water eases strife
So, it won't...

by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago
There Was a Dog

There was a dog who owned by a frog
That ran and hopped each day.
He did not know which way to go,
Since he'd been raised that way.

He thought it wise to eat some flies
Just like his "Daddy" had,
But in his haste, he found the taste

by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago
I Need to Jog My Memory

I need to jog out of the fog
That fills my mind today.
The exercise will be a prize
When thoughts won't go my way!

My foggy mind is of the kind
Distractions love to see,
Since I am sure there is no cure
Unless it's heavenly!

My cloudlike...

by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
It Is Guranteed!

Dear God, I'm sorry for each sin!
I know it has to be.
The Bible says that it's within.
We can't live perfectly!

In time it will start up again
Though sometimes quietly.
It's guaranteed you'll find it in

by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
The Dusty House

There was a dusty man who had
A home with dust on dust.
His neighbors thought it looked real bad
As windows broke with just

Vibrations from car radios
When they were turned up high
Enough to rattle rows and rows
Of houses they passed by.


by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
The Question I Asked

What would we lose if we could choose,
With wishes that went up to three?
A question asked so easily!

You might just say why ask that way,
Instead of "What things are there to gain?
So wise and really very plain!"

I asked that when I...

by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
It Was to Be That Way

He has a nose that nearly froze!
And have you heard about his toes?

If I say why, you might just cry
And ask me did it make him die!

To which I'd say, no not today.
I guess it was to be that way!

It might just be, that he could see

by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago
The Great Depression: When Dreams Fell Apart

So many poor who weren't before
Finances disappeared.
Who was to blame when horror came
And poverty appeared?

So many cried and some had died;
The life they knew was gone!
Intense despair! Life was not fair!
Small hope to carry on!


by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
Life's Debris

I want to know. I want to find
If ever I do cross your mind,
Or don't you really care for me?
The days we had are far behind!

I think how happy we could be
And laughter came so easily
Or did we live a lie each day
With trails of all our...

by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago
Emotional Life Jackets

When drowning in fear
You might shed a tear
If oceans of strife
Bring sadness to life.

You might need to tread
With waves on your head
While you figure out
Suppressing all doubt
That you will prevail
With no boat to sail.


by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago
An Echo or a Voice?

Why don't you want to be yourself
And show what you can do?
Don't hide away upon a shelf
As if your life was through.

Don't worry if the others care
About your personal style.
It's not your job to please them where
They say is not your...

by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago

I mostly like to be outside
When clouds are in the sky.
The wind can make them dance with pride
With Eagles way up high.

The trees join in and dance around
While swaying here and there.
If you try hard, you'll hear the sound
That wind makes...

by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago
I Cannot See or Hear You!

Dear Holy Spirit, please tell me
Why is it You're so hard to see?
I never see nor do I hear
You anywhere. Are You not near?

The Bible says You are inside
Of Christians where You will reside,
Until we can call Heaven home
When we no longer...

by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
You Bother My Peace

My peace of mind is hard to find;
Excitement when you're near!
Your beauty will attract me still
Each day of every year!

I hope to spend life till the end,
Within your love each day.
I truly doubt, I'd live without
Your loving, special...

by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago

Somehow in my adult years I
Began to slouch without
Awareness that would help me try
To figure that thing out.

While in the Air Force I was told,
"Roll both your shoulders back."
But maybe I was much too bold
To change and I lost track


by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
Soft Eyes

The obstacles ahead of us
Can seem like tiny rocks
Or boulders that cause us to fuss
And be like stumbling blocks!

The water from a heavy rain
Collecting in a yard,
Will cause some people to complain
Because they dropped their guard.


by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago


by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago
From Here to There

The many roads in life can lead
You almost anywhere
To see much beauty that will need
A lot of time while there!

A GPS and map can show
The way to any site.
You might find things you did not know
Were there with much delight!

But there's...

by Steve Cochrane

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added 1 month ago
Fowl Play

A farmer's child who was so mild
Played Chicken with a hen.
They both ran for an egg before
The other one, but then,

A fox came by who thought he'd try
To grab the tasty egg.
He ran real hard across the yard,
But fell and hurt his leg!


by Steve Cochrane

added 1 month ago

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Who wrote a famed poem about the Crimean War?
A Alfred Lord Tennyson
B Oscar Wilde
C Alfred E. Neuman
D Alfred Douglas