Yousif's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Yousif  —  There are currently 93 poems total — keep up the great work!

Forsaken Among The Clouds

Don't compel it into fancy then, the promise remains blurry
Those with power in their hands
Their suits are too fashionable while you are hungry dying in yearning
They devour steak behind a curtain
Slight has converted since the war emitted

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 3 months ago
Fighting Your Own Enemy

You dwell in a universe of ever-present conflict with those who keep this voracious
Warriors of our ruddy, frosty, and sky
Love is all about you’ll strive, there are no qualms
Guarding courageously what you are not holding back, each warrior is...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 3 months ago
Falling Deeper In Heartache

In the name of humankind
let us kneel down before the Almighty divine
It's abominable to hush
On shingle and dust
On the robust edge
Of jeopardy
It's abominable to hush biding
From the dead
It's unspeakable to hush in the scorching Schism...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 3 months ago
Sorrow Without Relief

Shred of blood drops from your heart-rending
You never thought you would be a part of the war-releasing events
Gashing emotions run flooded, but you'll locate agleam days
You are enervated, your suffering has gone beyond all chains
Your souls...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 4 months ago
The Scent of Burning Breath

Let's commence this year with sanguine thinking
The new winters come, and the archaic winters gone
You raise jesting with the evening
You embark on joking with the sundown,
You lay down, watering with the floodlight
You lie down, wailing...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 4 months ago
In the Wild-land of Despotism

Your bloody battleground assistance is vying for dominion the ruling
By way, bullets fly, hearing out-yell
Outnumbers race die from several walks of life
Humans against humans, brother against brothers
If you don't tidy up matters into...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 5 months ago
The Horror Of War

Many tears were shed down, down, down
Much sadness covers life, life, life
Many circumstances tie hands, hands, hands
Many distances get further, further, further
Much anger spreads troubles in days, day, days
Many disasters cause...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 6 months ago
Malaria Is A Silent Killer

Good hygiene and carrying our enclosing pure is always the ability to eradicate illness
I didn't care about you taught me a lifetime lesson to be aware of my health much more
You may also be plugging by transmission of blood from infected...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 8 months ago
World Teachers' Day: My Gorgeous Teachers

I'm gleeful and elated that you're our marvelous coach
I enjoyed the lessons you taught us back in the days; as our role models, you embolden us to attention to work and to reach the horizon
Caring for anticipation and confidence, determined by...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 8 months ago
Khartoum's Nightmare

Oh Khartoum, what's going on so terrible frightens us greater, we lose the bottom of your charming glitters

When we look at you back in the day; we see you are so beautiful, and gorgeous, you define our civilization beyond your landscapes and...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 8 months ago
Ultimate Threat Of Annihilation

Their passion for retribution and the need for bloodletting when love is in elevation over conflict
It’s been a while since we’ve been shot at
But the memories and feelings come flooding tragedy
Young men with broken bodies and their buddies...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 8 months ago
Collaboration Poem: The Tears Under War

You caused us pains
You caused us destruction
You caused some of us to be called orphans and widows
I don't know if the world knows the dangers you hold
Melancholy and misadventure you can't eliminate
They place their stay on the range

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 8 months ago
Give Us Trust To Walk In Peace

Oh, dear Almighty God, we are pleading guilty and staying in rowdyism
Sorry for all people, children, and adults who are being affected by this tussle
May you accept our preservation
Oh, the creator, we are mischievous intensely
And our...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 8 months ago
My Heart Always Belongs To You Only

The excitement is swelling in fine feather
I am filled with your soul and smiles
My feeling is filled with such a passion as yours
Your shadow is increasing over my brain
All I can think about is you
And the trend you gaze at me
I live on...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 8 months ago
There Is Always Hope Through the pain

When dismal fills our hearts
When tears make us go to pieces
When it’s clouded all around
When you hearken to a bashful homicide, hearty
When love ousts its worth
When you always land up yelping
When bloodshed goes along, it doesn't make us...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Hope And Faith In Finding True Love

Thinking about you fringe me
My life is no greater misty
I admire you night and day
A solid chain that nobody can ever hold us away
I crush every little thing about you, sweetheart
Whereas nobody pretends to be concerned
You panoply me that...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
The Trustworthy Prophet

You are the best of existence
You are unique example how to be of emblematic character
Goodwill, sympathy, blessing, gratitude, kindness, abundance, valor, boldness, self thinking, and an unbendable tenet in your message
People were inveigled

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Salute To The Martyr Osman Makawi

He was a Lofty Sudanese SAF soldier, he came to a halt in the battles, and he hollered as the shuttlecocks left the skyline; he came to a halt with his companions and soldiers to stick up the country, he was honorable and struggler.

SAF soldier...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Just Beyond My Smile

You have got your own freaked way of diverting around my startling day, you inspire all the malicious things to go away; matchless that you incessantly say hey.

And when I stare into your eyes, I gaze at you perfectly fascinating with no stash,...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
You Attract Me In Every Wonderful Way

Murmurs of my emotions and solicitude set the temper within your bounteous colors
Also, you do when I wink into your eyes
Every righteous and entire present is truly immortal, it's too fabulous to get you the love of my life and fear the thought...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Happiness Shines From Your Eyes

My attraction toward you keeps getting stronger
You are amazing
I am happy to share my life with you
I find my happiness and joy in your eyes
I treasure you like a diamond in the sky granted by the Almighty Creator
I am elated that I will...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Love Comes Overnight

Being daisy every day makes somebody's affection for you grow even stronger
It's known from the moment sunflower met You were the one for forever
No other lady has been able to come close to what you mean to
You have stolen a beautiful heart and...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
We Are Tired And Sick Of War

Struggle and crave risk annihilating Sudan, where clashing between concurrent generals ruptured mid-April
Awkwardly war in Sudan, innate out of oppression rolling authority, has consequences in thousands of dooms, the desolation of belongings,...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Oh, Allah The Almighty

Oh, Allah
Oh, Allah
There is no god but you, the Knower of secrets and declarations
You're the Compassionate
The Merciful
Oh, Allah
Besides whom there is no god
The Sovereign
The Holy
The Peace-Giver

 The Faith-Giver
The Overseer

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Glory Shines Upon Your tears

If you want a horizon with peace in your motherland
You've got to stop the war
You will make your home a better place to live
And stop the war
You tauten for your departed inhabitants across the world
Fall in the cause of freedom
You will go...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
My Undying Love

In your eyesight, I see my walk
In your heart, I possess my hearthstone
With you, I am a model
Along and straight
Like a florid, you burgeon and sow
Your attraction is a shine to behold
I'm esteemed by your part
Hourly your love to carry on

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Rays of Honesty and Behavior

Honesty is a virtue that is highly valued in society
Building trust strengthens relationships and helps you abide by integrity and decency
Frank people don’t shame away from relating the truth, even if it’s hard
The ones who tell you that, yes,...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
The Echo of Starvation

You fare to witness a dearth of slum area solvent overcrowding
Demolished parlors and shocking situation incurable
Clans torn apart and bowling along into cities
Everyone is mislaying with no steering
And considerable souls are filled with...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
Care For The Children

You have to care for them in the morning until the sunset
You have to whisper over their ears cordially
When you recognize their eyes, they will plot and play together to amuse you surprisingly
They are only left-hand for the purpose we are...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

 1 View
added 9 months ago
War Has No Age For Freedom

There's eternally something more than wheel the soldier to the mission
Don't shoot while you characterize it
If not, you'll fail the mark
All was at peace, the ones you fought for were ventilating so far around your fossa
The murdered people are...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
The Gorgeous of Al- Jabalain's Locality

Living frugally to see the grace of nightfall
The resonance of the twine
The affection of the sunshine
Which is situated on the east bank of the Nile River in southern
Include all villages, which were located adjacent to the White Nile River

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
You Are My Angel

The moment I concur to you
I digest, I claim to be nearer to you and engage my life with you
You’re my first thought in the morning and my last thought in the evening
My day will be awesome when I always envisage you delightfully
I just...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 9 months ago
There Is No Love For You Like Mine

I feel you all around, the beauty, the wind, the enigma chutes of my respect run thorough into the hollows of your heart
Our hearts are so spruce and feeling so dulcet
I aerate you more with every blink of an eye !
I adore to see you when I...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 10 months ago
The Joy Of My Eyes

I often whisper to Allah about you, He knows how much I hack you Likewise, I beseech for you and your mellowness I worship for us, I don’t know what destiny might hold for us forever But I’ll not lose passion That is a bunch of hope of belonging to...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 10 months ago
You Are Forever A Part Of My Heart

I can never underestimate your value in my life, dear sons. You’ve got such a very strong hold on me. There’s nothing I can do without

I don’t care who is for or against me. Nothing will ever make me turn my back on you. You’re my flesh and...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 10 months ago
Nothing Can Fade Our Bright Future

Sudan is where the Nile flows into, the current wrangle agitate and dissolution lavish the native land as precursors broil for a ruling.

We are virtuous pure in the salvo, unsure our down the line is filled with murder angst our tears were fallen...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 10 months ago
Life Through A ray of Sun

Thee marched down into nowhere only conducted by the certitude we have for each other you recited with one voice, cheeky of our foibles and flaws.

If life has an equal, thee won’t straddle to remake it, stencil after stencil, the time wallflower...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 11 months ago
The Slowest Route To Victory

Epoch then slacks down, and way down we hear torpedoes of buckshot dashing past us in gradual gestures as if we could attend and spunk them out of fragile waft.

Snivel of the heartache that has passed like a flame to sear the meadows of our brain...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 11 months ago
It Hurts Like Hell

It hits me hard, the pain of locking away my feelings fight against the hate my soul can’t handle any more bruises.

Love is that feeling that when reigns kill us silently, in my heart, I have been praying to understand the situation we are going...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 11 months ago
Eid al-Adha Poem

The true essence of sacrifice rebounds as devotees meet up in every place of worship close-by. A jubilee is a favor from the Almighty that came along to praise our hearts to sweep pacification and infatuation, to dig belief in a single part A...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 11 months ago
Longing for a Lasting Peace

The feathers of the larva are not still
They are pearly, whipping the gust the chroma of the sky is not leaden, It is the deep blue of a fulgent sunny day.

The truancy of bird carol is not impeding, It is the hoarding and handling of everything...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 11 months ago
The Horn of Africa

No end of story has been told, several legends have been born; tiny runnels have wiped out into the Nile; massive water courses had gorged the Indian and the Atlantic.

Africa is the native land of all mankind species, our cherished fatherland is...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 11 months ago
Sudan Has Torn Down

Whatever you chronicle the event, you won't believe a great deal of elimination of Sudan; there wasn't any movement of people alive.

The whole Khartoum buildings are deserted, there were a lot of houses and buildings burnt and devastated.


by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 1 year ago
We Are Meant to Be Together

The welkin was lit by the brilliance of the moon, so compelling.

Your love has engaged in me, surely.
I am contagious to renounce this universe life and flake out a greatness of your being.
Oh, I can’t wind-up to you without caring faith.

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 1 year ago
Bloodshed Crimes

Hooves soundly on the ground, awaking eye to eye with the disorder outright.
Mutinous force take civilian mobile, and money is absolutely a war crime.
Rebellious force to take civilian cars by force is absolutely a war felony.
Hostile force...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 1 year ago
Once You Hit A certain Age

We had to repent to The Almighty God to reform ourselves handled with each other in believability, deference, and conscience to investigate admissibly from our prohibitive bargains before we invoked God to elevate the calamity.

Regardless of the...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 1 year ago
We Are Proud Sudanese

We stand on the high cliff: We shout as fowls accede the horizon: We stand with our people and fight for our country.
Not only that, but we are proud Sudanese.
Regardless of multi tribes.
We are proud Sudanese.
In spite of the dispute of the...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 1 year ago
Endless Tears of Darfur

Darfur was ebbing and breathed life into the pleura of the men, certify them live, concede them flourish, If you do nothing they will demise the conflicts of past severed gash families removed thriving clouds like evil thunder the flashing burst...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 1 year ago
My Uncle's Death

Uncle's left us who was a person with a silver heart and battered soul; the life that we have spent together starts disturbing the peace of mind and the world seems like a dark pit; but only God can heal this loss, so we must pray to him to heal the...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 1 year ago
We Were Born To Live In Peace

You demand to bustle up; you were told the armed-fighting should end, but it cleaves going from day to day, and you forget to smile and can’t enact you are surrounded by suicidal, and you keep waiting for someone to crux; the towns and villages are...

by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

added 1 year ago

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A Maya Angelou
B Rumi
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