Ggolden9's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by ggolden9  —  There are currently 124 poems total — keep up the great work!

Love Is The Lamp Through The Night

Love is thy lamp through the night,
A beacon glowing, ever bright.
In deep shadows, it casts its glow,
Guiding hearts where they should go.
A lantern's flame, steadfast and true,
It illuminates the path for two.
In the darkness, love's light...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 8 days ago
The Inside of Joy

is joy
intervals of
soprano blue laughter
climb over
rainbows of happiness
dwell inside
of the
little boy soul
inside of...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 15 days ago
He Wants To Be A Man

Lord this boy is bright
as a ten-watt lightbulb
well, he needs some home-schooling
to properly integrate himself
into our society
Lord, don't send this boy to hell
take the gun out of his hands
please give this boy a chance
Oh Lord, don't...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 1 month ago
Oh Love If You Remember Me

Oh, love, if you remember me, 'tis true,
A faded echo whispered soft and blue.
Like distant music, on the wind, it floats,
A melody of moments, shared in secret notes.

Did stolen glances, laughter light and free,
Leave any trace, within your...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 1 month ago
Love Shed Her Light To The Dark Side of The Moon

In lunar realms, where shadows ever creep,
A barren land, where solace seems to sleep,
Love sheds her light, a beacon soft and kind,
A gentle touch upon the heart and mind.

No scorching sun, but luminescence pure,
It was a moonlit dance,...

by Jamal Upshaw

 1 View
added 1 month ago
Love Is Above these Clouds

The world below, a canvas veiled in white,
Love is above these clouds, a soaring flight.
Storms rage unseen, where shadows twist and turn,
Yet here we fly, on wings that brightly burn.

Sunlight ignites the edges, soft and gold,
A whispered...

by Jamal Upshaw

 1 View
added 1 month ago
If Love Is The Only Air That We Breathe

If love's the only air that we breathe, my dear,
No gasping struggle, no consuming fear.
It fills our lungs, a sweetness light and pure,
Invigorating life, forevermore.

In whispered sighs and laughter's joyful sound,
Love's oxygen sustains,...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 1 month ago
Love Is The Vastness of Your Heart

Not lands explored, nor oceans crossed in haste,
Love is the vastness of your heart embraced.
A depth that holds the moonlit starry night,
And shelters dreams in gentle, warming light.

A boundless space where galaxies reside,
With room for...

by Jamal Upshaw

 1 View
added 1 month ago
Too Far In This Love With You

Too far, they whisper, hearts should hold their ground,
A deeper ocean, love has yet to sound.
But reason's voice, in passion's storm, is drowned,
Lost in your eyes, where I am truly found.

Logic's frail thread, a cobweb swept aside,
By tides...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 1 month ago
Saints Are Born and Not Made

Ali once said that he lived the life of 100 men.
I can float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.
Once upon a time,
I wrestled an alligator and tackled a polar bear.
Still, I accomplished all that
in broad daylight in the Himalayas...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 1 month ago
Love Get The Best of Me

A smile, like a siren, my defenses disarm,
Love's sweet persuasion, a captivating charm.
Logic surrenders, swept away by the tide,
Reason takes a backseat, emotions my guide.

Whispers of forever, paint futures so bright,
I chase after dreams,...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 1 month ago
A Different Shade of Love

If there's a shade of love unseen,
A whispered hue, in twilight's sheen,
It blooms in quiet, soft, and deep,
A silent vow, a promise to keep.

Not fireworks bright, nor passion's fire,
But embers warm, a gentle pyre.
A knowing glance, a hand...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 1 month ago
Love Makes A Quiet Storm

No crashing waves, no thunder's roar,
Love shall a quiet storm explore.
A steady rain, that gently soaks,
Nourishing roots, where passion croaks.

A whispered wind, through leaves, sighs,
Secrets it shares, beneath soft skies.
A steady flame,...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 1 month ago
Love Whispered Unto Me

In hushed tones, a secret it kept,
Love whispered a promise, while I gently slept.
A warmth in my slumber, a dream come alive,
Of futures entwined, where destinies thrive.

The voice, soft and sweet, like a lullaby's call,
Woke feelings...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
Oh Love Don't Go Without Me

Oh, love, don't you drift on a lonely tide,
My heart's tethered anchor, by your gentle side.
Don't sail these vast oceans, without me as crew,
Together we'll weather, whatever comes true.

The wind whispers warnings, of tempests unseen,

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
Love Brings Me Shield And Sword

Love brings me shield and sword, a curious blend,
A haven of comfort, a fierce, loyal friend.
The shield, a warm bulwark, from worries that creep,
Your arms wrapped around me, a solace to keep.

The sword, a defender, from shadows that loom,

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
We Whispered The Canons of Love

In hushed tones, beneath the moon's soft gleam,
We whispered the canons, love's whispered theme.
No laws etched in stone, but a vow from the heart,
A promise unspoken, a brand new start.

Respect, a foundation, where trust can reside,

by Jamal Upshaw

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Love Walked Out In The Clearing

Love walked out in the clearing, bathed in morning's gleam,
No harsh words were spoken, just a silent, fading dream.
A path once well-trodden, now overgrown with weeds,
Memories linger, like wildflowers, where passion once feeds.

Did the...

by Jamal Upshaw

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Do Not Hurry The Journey of Love

Don't rush love's unfolding, a story untold,
Let feelings take root, 'neath patience of gold.
Like seeds in the darkness, for sunlight, they wait,
Love's blossom unfolds, in its perfect state.

Embrace the first tendrils, a shy, sweet hello,

by Jamal Upshaw

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added 2 months ago
Not To Perish From The Earth

ghost white
sycamore tree
possess a soul
seeking truth
not to perish

by Jamal Upshaw

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added 2 months ago
Oh Love We Have Captured The Stars

Oh, Love, we have captured the stars, not with hand,
But with hearts intertwined, a daring command.
We dreamt of the cosmos, a future unknown,
And built a rocketship, fueled by love alone.

We soared past the clouds, leaving doubt far behind,

by Jamal Upshaw

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Love Is My Daily Bread

Love is my daily bread, a nourishing core,
Strengthens my spirit, always.
Not a fleeting fancy, a passionate craze,
But a steady companion, through life's winding maze.

Kindness the crust, a warmth I can share,
Compassion is the filling, a...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
If I Had Kissed You In The Garden

Sun-dappled leaves, a secret space,
Laughter and whispers, a stolen embrace.
A blush on your cheeks, a question in your eyes,
A moment suspended, beneath endless skies.

But courage then faltered, a word left unsaid,
The silence stretched...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
Yes She is My Beacon of Light

Yes, she is my beacon of light,
A radiant sun, chasing back the endless night.
Her laughter, a melody, joyous and clear,
Banishes shadows, and casts out all fear.

Her eyes, like twin stars, in the vastness they gleam,
Guiding my course, a...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
Across The Breckenridge Sky

sail beyond
ocean waves
weave across

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
When Death Washes Over Us

When death washes over us, a tide so serene,
No longer will burdens or worries convene.
The laughter, the tears, all memories blend,
A tapestry woven, that finds its end.

The body, a vessel, released from its hold,
Like leaves on the wind, a...

by Jamal Upshaw

 1 View
added 2 months ago
Oh Love Look What We Have Done

Oh Love, look what we have done,
A tangled mess, beneath the setting sun.
Words flung like stones, a hurtful display,
Leaving scars etched, where laughter once played.

But wait, love whispers, a chance to rebuild,
With gentle forgiveness, on...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
The Raindrops Keep Falling

The raindrops keep falling, a curtain of gray,
Drumming a rhythm on rooftops all day.
Puddles like mirrors reflect the dim sky,
A world washed anew, with a tearful sigh.

But listen beyond, to the whisper they bring,
A song of the earth, as...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
You Give Me These Wings To Fly

You fan the small spark, a flickering flame,
Belief in my wings, whispers my name.
Doubt's heavy cloak begins to unwind,
With each word of faith, a strength I can find.

Your trust, a gentle breeze, lifts me with grace,
Soaring above fear, to...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
For All The Love Inside of You

For all the love inside of you,
A fire that burns, warm and true.
A wellspring of kindness, a gentle embrace,
A light in the darkness, a comforting space.

Let it spill over, in laughter and grace,
In every kind gesture, a smile on your face.

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
We Go Gently Underneath The Stars

We go gently under the stars,
Barefoot whispers on dew-kissed scars
Of the sleeping earth. A velvet hush,
Only starlight whispers, a gentle crush

Of galaxies vast on our upturned gaze.
No need for words in this starlit maze.
A hand-held...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
Let Me Be the Tallest Oak Tree

Let me be the tallest oak tree, strong,
Roots delving deep where they belong.
Branches reach high, a sheltering hand,
For weary travelers across the land.

Whispers of wind through leaves unfold,
Stories whispered, both young and old.

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
We Yearn For Air And Light

Deep in the earth, a stifled cry,
We yearn for air and a boundless sky.
Roots may hold fast, but spirits crave,
The sun's warm kiss on a windswept wave.

Blind tendrils reach, a desperate plea,
To break the bonds of obscurity.
Blooms unfurl,...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
When Love Is Turning Blue

A vibrancy fades, a hush descends,
Laughter once bright, now barely lends
A spark to the eyes, once alight.
Conversations, dimmed by the night.

Warmth cools to a whisper, a sigh,
A touch that once sent shivers by
Now lingers, a ghost in its...

by Jamal Upshaw

 1 View
added 2 months ago
When Love Is A Shapeless Flame

When love is a shapeless flame,
It licks at the edges of known,
A yearning that whispers no name,
A hunger for hearts yet unshown.

It dances in whispers and sighs,
A warmth with no form to define,
A mist in the lover's own eyes,
A promise,...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
The Gift of Light

spread our wings
gift of light
tiny cracks of

by Jamal Upshaw

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added 2 months ago
Eyes Behind The Poem

Ink bleeds whispers, secrets kept,
A story on paper, unslept.
Words like windows, veiled, and thin,
Reflecting a soul held within.

Eyes, unseen, guide every line,
A silent observer, entwined.
Their gaze shapes the moonlit tide,
Emotions in...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
We Get Closer To Our Dreams

Each step a whisper, a heart's soft beat,
The map unfolds, the path less steep.
Stars as our guide, a distant gleam,
We chase the horizon, a waking dream.

Doubt lingers near, a fleeting shade,
But passion's fire, cannot fade.
With every...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
Empty Nooses

When I opened my eyes, all I could see was a landscape full of trees with empty nooses

My father was a runaway slave, who was captured by them bounty hunters. Daddy wanted to be free and provide for his family

Why do we kill and enslave...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
When Love Breaks Me Free

Walls I built, a fortress of my own,
Crumbled by affection, a love yet unknown.
Fear's iron grip, a cell I called my heart,
Shattered by tenderness, a brand new start.

Tears that once were prisons, now cleansing rain,
Washing doubt away, a...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 2 months ago
From Harlem To Heaven

From Harlem's pulse, a symphony untold,
Stories etched in a brownstone, dreams unfold.
Streetlamps pierce the twilight, jazz ignites,
Hope flickers, a flame against the nights.

Laughter rings on stoops where neighbors meet,
Gospel choirs...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 3 months ago
Whose Fruit Are We

Not born of one, yet kin to all,
We sprout from seeds that gently fall.
Nurtured by the sun, by rain, by grace,
We climb and weave in nature's space.

Whose fruit are we? A mingled breed,
Of sun and soil, of wind and seed.
From countless...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 3 months ago
Be Still

heartbeat wings
shall know
hummingbird sings
be still

by Jamal Upshaw

added 3 months ago
The Hero's Call

In realms where legends rise and fall,
There echoes out the hero's call.
A whisper soft yet firm and clear,
A summons to those who dare to steer.

Through shadowed valleys, darkened night,
The hero's heart, a beacon bright.
With courage...

by Jamal Upshaw

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added 3 months ago
We Walk Right Into The Sun

We walk right into the sun,
Where golden rays and dreams are spun.
With each step forward, we embrace,
The warmth that guides us, leaves no trace.

Through fields of gold and skies so blue,
Our hearts alight with passions true.
Hand in hand,...

by Jamal Upshaw

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added 3 months ago
Let Me Hold Your World

In the quiet of the night, I hear your call,
A whisper soft, a gentle plea, enthrall.
Your burdens heavy, your spirit unfurled,
Come rest your weary heart, let me hold your world.

In the chaos of the day, I see your strife,
A struggle fierce,...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 3 months ago
He Is My Light And Sword

God is the creator
he is my light and sword
he is holy and wonderful
he is my rock and my shepard
he is love and mercy through a quiet storm
the quiet shores
he prepareth a table before me
water and bread
he is the air...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 4 months ago
A Lovers Bond Between The Heart And Soul

A thread of crimson, through the heart it weaves,
Binding two souls, like leaves on autumn's eve.
(Image of two souls intertwined amidst autumn leaves)

Beyond the flesh, where shadows dimly play,
A deeper song, the spirits interlace.

by Jamal Upshaw

added 5 months ago
In Thy Dreams To Surely Come

In thy dreams, a world takes flight,
Where fantasies dance in the soft moonlight.
A realm where hopes and wishes run,
In the sweet embrace of dreams yet spun.

In the still of night, when stars align,
Thy dreams take shape, vivid and fine.

by Jamal Upshaw

added 5 months ago
Love Opens Another Door

Love opens another door, they say,
A threshold to a realm in its own way.
Beyond the mundane, where dreams restore,
Love leads us through, to explore.

In tender whispers, in heartfelt sighs,
Love beckons us to where hope lies.
Through that...

by Jamal Upshaw

added 5 months ago

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An expression where the literal meaning is different from the intended meaning is called ________.
A simile
B idiom
C synonym
D metaphor