Jennybabygirl6982's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by jennybabygirl6982  —  There are currently 62 poems total — keep up the great work!

"Night And Day"

Night and day passes fast,
Tomorrow may never come,
I await here for your arrival,
Basking in the sun,

I talk to you quite often,
Reminiscing about yesteryear,
Wishing I am so often,
Soon you will be here,

No matter how long it takes,

by Teresa Whitney Whitney

added 4 months ago

I wish for there to be silence,
Within my restless mind,
The type of wonderful silence,
Where nobody hears a sigh,

Continued silence I meditate,
And pray dear lord let it be,
I have come to you pleading,
Too late for me to...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Poems I Knew.

Poems I knew so little of,
Like inspiration from above,
Given a gift unto thee,
This I truly shall believe,

Whatever road I travel upon,
Comes like a melody within a song,
I know within my heart today,
My love for thee shall always...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
A Sweet Dream.

In the middle of the night,
Gentle rain I can hear,
Right outside my bedroom window,
I feel you standing near,

Wishing I am to have a glimpse,
Of you if only I may,
So I may dream a sweet dream,
While wanting you to...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Scampering Squirrels.

As I watch the scampering squirrels,
Running among the leaves,
Jumping limb to limb they go,
Throughout all of the trees,

As I stand there watching them,
I laugh each time they run,
Thinking I am they may fall,
While awaiting for the...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Paths Within A Meadow.

Within the meadow growing free,
A garden awaits patiently,
I view the change from deep within,
While standing here with a...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Painted On Canvas

If I paint for you a picture,
Explaining my feelings true,
How you have touched my heart,
Would you want me to,

Every color of the rainbow,
Brushed within our lives,
Bestowing beauty rare,
Yes I will be your...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Passing Through This Time.

Passing through this time,
Traveling as we may,
Forever feeling fine,
Especially on this day,

The heavens shine so bright,
No clouds within the sky,
The oceans calm at sea,
No tears within my...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Painful Lies

In the middle of the night,
When the storm begins to set,
I can feel the emptiness,
I can taste the anger yet,

The agony I am feeling,
That is lingering inside,
Is such a darkened feeling,
One I cannot...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Pardon Me Not.

Pardon me not is what they say,
For the wrong doings that came my way,
My life in a turmoil as many are,
I ran to be quiet, so very...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Passing Through

As we all pass through,
This time here upon earth,
When our vehicles we use,
Bring forth a new birth,

Look into the light,
And there you will find,
Miracles awaiting you,
The most perfect in...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
People Everywhere

People wandering everywhere,
Rushing here, and there,
Laughing, talking, hurrying on,
As though without a care,

It is a play ground you see,
Where happiness is at,
Wonders bring me tears,
As I smile where I...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Once In a While

Once in awhile,
Love comes around,
When least expected,
In tears you are bound,

Recalling those memories,
Within your head,
The ones that you wished for,
Not those that you...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago

There is a little bit of passion,
Blowing in the wind,
Out across the ocean,
That is where I have been,

Setting sail across the sea,
Joining you where you are,
I see that shining light,
A bright, and shining...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Once In A Life Time.

Once in a life time,
You will chance to meet,
A perfect loving soul,
You will call your mate,

Let me assure you,
It happened to me,
I feel it in my heart,

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Perfect Love.

How perfect can love be,
If I have you not with me,
How far can I travel,
Should this dream unravel,

What path shall I take,
Or should I plan to wait,
What arms will hold me near,
If not yours my...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Operator Information.

I tried to call you this morning,
Your phone would only ring,
I wanted to share all the news,
And to say so many things,

Wondering if you are sleeping,
I left a message for you,
Telling you what has been happening,
Delays that all came...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
An Over Abundance

I give to you an over abundance,
Of all these wonderful gifts,
An over abundance of wonders,
Hoping your heart they will...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
To Cherish The Moments

With you I cherish the moments,
The ones that I lived for,
The moment that I set eyes on you,
When you walked through my door,

First I saw your eyes,
Smiling as they were,
My heart skipped a beat,
I really saw no...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Our Special Friendship

As I lay my head down,
Each night before I sleep,
I pray our heavenly father,
Our friends, and family to keep,

I realize how very special,
Your friendship means to me,
As I close my eyes right now,
Your smile I can...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Greatest Of Distance.

The greatest of distance,
Cannot compare,
To how I so love you,
How I so care,

There is nothing I see,
That will keep us apart,
No obstacles so great,
Stopping my...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Natures Shadows In The Night.

Natures shadows on a hill,
Brings silence to my day,
All the worries, and the pain,
Have now been taken away,

Echos softly whispering,
Wild creatures I can see,
Coming out of hidden coves,
Now just staring at...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago

The rose within this garden,
Her pedals grow so weak,
It is like a danger warning,
Leaves her heart to weep,

The dew drops once surrounding,
Dried from winds so hot,
Now she searches endlessly,
More pain she wishes...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
The Beauty God Offers.

Oh the beauty of the sea,
Fills my heart with happiness,
Come my friend, and take a view,
Later we shall see the rest,

Try not to hurry along your way,
Breath so you might see,
You can have such happiness,
You can,yes, be...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Touch Me Right There.

Traveling on my journey,
Wherever I must go,
Knowing my darling love,
I want you with me so,

Living, and loving forever,
To hold if just your hand,
Always together you, and I,
Beside you I take my...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
The Dreamer

I may have been a dreamer,
But not any more,
It is the realness of his wonder,
Since he walked through that door,

Awesome is his smile,
Beautiful are his eyes,
lighting up the night,
Like diamonds in the...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
The Covered Bridge.

We have traveled many miles,
More then some can say,
Together we shared happiness,
Almost every day,

I recall the bridge we crossed,
The one we now call love,
It connected us together,
Like the bridge with all the...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Gods Gifts To Thee.

In the garden roses bloom,
A fragrance for those to please,
Step inside upon the earth,
You may not wish to leave,

Rainbow colors all in bloom,
Wrapped in softened breeze,
Surrounded by nature bare,
A row of lovely...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
From The Very Start.

It does not seem too long ago,
When you were here by me,
Sharing of our many hopes,
And also of our dreams,

The time it passes way too fast,
Hard for me to believe,
Still I find the happiness,
In you that I can...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Gods Valley

Through the valley flowers grow,
With ever changing scenery,
Clouds so white up over head,
A gift for you,and me,

Wooden fences surround it all,
Perhaps some old, some new,
Because you see my special friend,
Gods creations are not for just a...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Golden Memories.

I wish to always remember,
Times that we have shared,
The way we demonstrated,
How we always cared,

I wish to place these memories,
In a heart felt book,
Right between golden pages,
Where I can take a...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
I Lite This Candle For You.

I light this candle for you,
In a special way,
I was on my knees,
Praying the other day,

I asked for a little guidance,
So that you might even see,
I prayed for a little mercy,
Upon your soul,so...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Every Day In Passing.

With every day in passing,
A miracle I see,
What now has been given,
To you, and to me,

There is no more emptiness,
And no more crying eyes,
There are only blue heavens,
Within these...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Everywhere I go You Are There.

Everywhere I go ,
You are always there,
No matter what I do,
You told me how you care,

Not a moment in my day,
Have you not been there,
I know within my heart,
Your love is so...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Ever Lasting

Waves of echoing ocean,
Carries me back home,
To familiar surroundings,
Never more alone,

Soothing breezes caress,
Filling my soul with glee,
Allowing once again,
My spirit now set...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Everywhere I Go.

Everywhere I go,
You are with me there,
No matter what I do,
You told me how you care,

Not a moment in my day,
Have you not been there,
I know within my heart,
Your love is ever...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Easy Lovin.

Loving you comes so easy,
The best I have ever had,
My life if ever without you,
Would be so very sad,

There has never been another,
To love me like you do,
You have given me the happiness,
All because you are...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago

There are so many things,
I am thankful for,
So much love, and beauty,
So many ships, and shores,

Wishing to share with you,
A smile upon your lips,
And a sparkle within your eyes,
A lunar...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
I Love You Endlessly.

Everywhere I touch you,
I feel a gentleness,
Everywhere I kiss you,
That spot is not enough,

I have to hold you closely,
Within my arms so tight,
And love you so completely,
Each, and every...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Echos In The Distance.

In the distance bells are ringing,
What a lovely sound,
Quietly I am waiting,
Sitting upon the ground,

Natures beauty radiant,
Such wonders I can see,
This is where my darling,
I fell in love with...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
With Every Beat Of My Heart.

With every beat of my heart,
And every tear that may fall,
I want you to know my love,
It is your name I shall call,

Lonely it has been without you,
Saddened my days, and nights,
Allow me now to be pardoned,
If only you say that I...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Another Day

Here it is another day,
Another day has begun,
The sun is shining oh so bright,
All I want to do is run,

I want to run into your arms,
And sing to you a love song,
Knowing all along my dear,
Exactly where I...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Every Which Way But Loose+

When I told you on that day,
How I love you so,
It was from my heart,
I hope you know,

With the many miles,
Keeping us apart,
Know this oh my darling,
You remain within my...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
He Spoke To Me

In the middle of the storm,
A hand touched down upon me,
A gentle hand, firm yet soft,
In a moment I knew it was thee,

Crying out, tear's fell softly,
From my eye's onto my cheeks,
Upon the ground, and all around,
I knew you would not...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
I Cherish You

As I sit high over head,
I view the meadow lower,
I confess I truly miss,
Day's that moved much slower,

Looking back I often do,
I reminisce solo,
Writing note's, painting picture's,
To share within the...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
A Book For You

I bought for you a book,
You may write within,
Stories oh so tall,
Yet there is no sin,

Deep inside this book,
Names you mention now,
Mine has been so often,
You may take a...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Middle Of The Niight

In the middle of the night,
When you come to me,
Your love I can feel,
Most definitely,

Soothing are your lip's
Placed upon me there,
Touching my own heart,
I know you truly...

by Teresa Whitney

added 2 years ago
Have I Told You

Gave I told you yet today,
I am so in love with you,
I can remember my darling,
All the things you do,

Just as it is now today,
I can and will meet you,
Saying those special word's,
I love you oh so...

by Teresa Whitney

added 3 years ago
Hold Fast To Me

Climb with me my love,
Mountain's, and swim the sea,
Tenderly I hold you,
Ever so close to me,

The innocence within our love,
Just like a new born child,
My heart awaits beckoning thee,
All the...

by Teresa Whitney

added 3 years ago

I have never made a fortune,
Yet it is never too late,
Even if I do not worry,
I must still wait,

As I travel far away,
My seed's I must sew,
If drinking from this cup,
My cup hatch over...

by Teresa Whitney

added 3 years ago

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And miles to go before I _______
A dream
B sleep
C end
D rest