
Teletubbies Wiki

Teletubbies Wiki
Teletubbies Wiki
in: Transcripts
Meet the Teletubbies/Transcript
Teletubbies: Wahey, he-he-he...Eh-oh.

Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, all the Teletubbies were very, very happy.

Teletubbies: Very, very happy.

Narrator: Four happy Teletubbies. Jumping round the tree. One jumped away, and then there were three.

Teletubbies: Ooooh!

Po: Ya, yi, sam.

Dipsy: One, two, three.

Narrator: Three happy Teletubbies. What did they do? One, went to hide.

Teletubbies: Ooooh! Where dipsy gone?

Narrator: And then there were two.

Po: Ya, yi.

Tinky Winky: One, two.

Narrator: Two happy Teletubbies out for a run. Faster and faster. And then there was one.

Po: Ya. Oh dear...tired. Uh-oh!

Narrator: One happy Teletubby, lying in the sun.

Sun: (Giggling)

Narrator: Rolled right away. And then there were none.

All: Ooooh!

Tinky Winky: Wooo-oh...ha-ha, tinkle, winkle, tinkle...

Dipsy: Weeeeee. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Pa-pa-dom, pa-pa-dom, pa-pa-dom.

Laa-Laa: 'oooraay...eeeh up, la-la-la-la-la-la.

Po: Ha-ha, ba-di-ba-di-ba-di-ba-di-po.

Teletubbies: Eh-oh.

Narrator: It was time for Tubby toast.

Laa-Laa: Uh, Tubby toast... yay, Tubby toast. Tubby toast. Yes, He-he-he.

Dipsy: One.

Tinky Winky: Two.

Po: Toast! Three! Yeah!

Laa-Laa: Four...yeah, Tubby toast, Tubby toast, Tubby toast!

Tinky Winky: Mmmmmm!

Laa-Laa: Yum-yum, yum-yum.

Teletubbies: Uh-oh.

Tinky Winky: Tinky Winky.

Dipsy: Dipsy.

Laa-Laa: Laa-Laa.

Po: Po. Ah! Look! Look!

Laa-Laa: Po! Yeah! Po!

Joseph: Hello! Hello! Hello! I am Joseph. Come and meet my friends.

Kids: Hello! Hello! It's raining! Oh, no, we're going to get soaked! I like the rain 'cos every time it's raining. ..uummm I watch it out the window. I can't wait to go out there to get wet. Do you wish you had a rain display in your garden? Oh well! Hope you're got your hood? Yeah. Need some help. It's not working. I'll try. Try and help it 'cos it make- gotta make it Grrrrrrrrr! I can't wait to get wet! Are you ready? I am nearly ready...nearly ready. I'm ready. Well, well you haven't got your umbrella have you? No, I've got my hat. Hey, let's get that spoon. Hey Will, we're going to use our umbrellas. Come on, let's run! (Splash) Sploosh...splosh. I'm getting all wet. My clothes are getting wet... my clothes are getting wet. (Splash) Sploosh...splosh. (Splash) Sploosh...splosh. I'm not scared of you. Bye!

Sun: (Giggling)

Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, a cloud appeared...and it began to rain. (Rain) Tinkle, tinkle. (Whoosh) The cloud left something behind.

Po: Ba-di-ba-di-ba. Ooooh! What's that? What's that?

Narrator: A big puddle.

Po: Ooooh!

Narrator: And do you know what happened?

Po: Uh-oh! (Splash) Splosh, splosh. Uh-oh!

Dipsy: Eeeyyyrrr!

Po: Eeeyyyrrr!

Dipsy: Eeeyyyrrr!

Narrator: Dipsy trod in the puddle.

Dipsy: Dipsy trod in the puddle. Eeeyyyrrr!

Po: Eeeyyyrrr!

Dipsy: Eeeyyyrrr!

Po: Eeeyyyrrr!

Laa-Laa: La-la-la-la-la.

Po: Uh-oh!

Dipsy: Uh-oh!

Narrator: Mind the puddle Laa-Laa.

Po: Mind the puddle Laa-Laa.

Dipsy: Mind the puddle Laa-Laa.

Laa-Laa: Pardon? (Splash) Splosh, splosh. Ooooh! Eeeyyyrrr!

Both: Eeeyyyrrr!

Laa-Laa: Tubbily grubble!

All: Eeeyyyrrr! Eeeyyyrrr!

Po: Uh-oh!

Dipsy: Uh-oh!

Narrator: Mind the puddle Tinky Winky.

Po: Mind the puddle Tinky Winky.

Tinky Winky: Pardon?

Dipsy: Mind the puddle Tinky Winky.

Tinky Winky: Pardon?

Laa-Laa: Mind the puddle Tinky Winky.

Tinky Winky: What's that?

All: Eeeyyyrrr!

Tinky Winky: Oh, no!

(Splash) Splosh.


Sun: (Giggling)

Teletubbies: Uh-oh!

Sun: (Giggling)

Tinky Winky: Eh-oh.

Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Tinky Winky was too full up to finish his Tubby toast.

Tinky Winky: Tinky full up.

Noo-Noo: Buzz...slurp.

Narrator: So he put it in his bag to save it for later.

Noo-Noo: Buzz...slurp.

Tinky Winky: In his bag!

Noo-Noo: Buzz...slurp.

(Tinky Winky cheering)

Noo-Noo: Buzz, slurp...slurp.

Tinky Winky: Bag.

Narrator: It wasn't very long before he saw Dipsy's hat.

Tinky Winky: Hat!

Narrator: So he put it in his bag.

Tinky Winky: Hat in bag.

(Tinky Winky cheering)

Narrator: A little further on Tinky Winky saw Laa-Laa's ball.

Tinky Winky: Laa-Laa's ball.

Narrator: So Tinky Winky put it in his bag.

Tinky Winky: Ball in bag.

(Tinky Winky cheering)

Narrator: Tinky Winky hadn't gone very far, when he saw Po's scooter.

Tinky Winky: Po's scooter.

Narrator: So he put it in his bag.

Tinky Winky: Scooter in bag.

(Tinky Winky cheering)

Narrator: There, now Tinky Winky's bag was all full up. Tinky Winky's bag was rather heavy.

Tinky Winky: Rather heavy.

Narrator: Tinky Winky couldn't carry it.

Tinky Winky: Uh-oh!

Narrator: Can you remember what's inside the bag? Well let's have a look.

Tinky Winky: Uh-oh!

Narrator: What's in the bag Tinky Winky?

Tinky Winky: Po's scooter.

Narrator: Po's scooter? Oh, no... What else in the bag?

Tinky Winky: Uh-oh!

Narrator: What's in the bag Tinky Winky?

Tinky Winky: Laa-Laa's ball.

Narrator: Laa-Laa's ball. What else?

Tinky Winky: Uh-oh!

Narrator: What's in the bag Tinky Winky?

Tinky Winky: Dipsy's hat.

Narrator: Dipsy's hat? No wonder the bag is so heavy Tinky Winky.

Dipsy: Hat?

Po: Scooter?

Laa-Laa: Ball?

Narrator: All the other Teletubbies were looking everywhere for their favorite things.

Dipsy: Where hat?

Laa-Laa: Where's the ball?

Po: Where's scooter? Ooooh!

Tinky Winky: Uh-oh!

Narrator: So Tinky Winky decided to take everything out of the bag again.

Tinky Winky: Out of the bag. Scooter! Ball! Ball! Hat.

(Tinky Winky cheering)

Dipsy: Look, hat...hat!

Laa-Laa: Ball! Yay!

Po: Scooter...scooter!

Dipsy: Hat!

Laa-Laa: Ball!

Po: Scooter!

Dipsy: Hat!

Laa-Laa: Ball!

Po: Scooter!

Narrator: Now everybody's got their favorite thing.

Tinky Winky: Uh-oh!

Narrator: What's that noise? There's something still in Tinky Winky's bag.

All: Ooooh!

Tinky Winky: Aaauuugggghhhh!!! Yum, yum, yum, tubby toast.

Teletubbies: Yeah, tubby toast.

Narrator: And Tinky Winky put the piece of tubby toast back in his bag to save it for later.

Teletubbies: Ooooh!

Sun: (Giggling)


Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Po fell out of bed.

Po: Oh dear!

Narrator: She fell down from the table.

Po: Oh dear!

All: Uh-oh!

Po: Da. (Horn) honk. Yi. (Horn) honk. Sam. (Horn) honk. Say. (Horn) honk. Uuummm. (Horn) honk, honk, honk.

Narrator: She fell over from surprise.

(Horn) honk, honk, honk.

Po: Oh dear!

Laa-Laa: Po. Ee-ar!

Po: Oh dear.

Laa-Laa: (Giggle) Oh Po!

Po: Laa-Laa. Big Hug.

Sun: (Giggling)

Narrator: Tinky Winky was watching the rabbits, when Po fell off her scooter.

Po: Ba-di-ba-di-ba. Oh dear.

Tinky Winky: Uh-oh. Po fell off a scooter.

Narrator: And Tinky Winky fell over.

Laa-Laa: Laa-laa-laa-laa-laa.

Narrator: Laa-Laa come to help.

Laa-Laa: Eh-oh. Oh! Whoops!

Narrator: And Laa-Laa fell over. Dipsy come to help.

Dipsy: Eh-oh. Uh-oh.

Narrator: Oh dear. Now all the Tubbies have fallen over.

Sun: (Giggling)

Tinky Winky: Weeeeee. Eh-oh. Uh-oh!

Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Tinky Winky saw that somebody, had spilled their Tubby custard on the floor.

Tinky Winky: Somebody spilled their Tubby custard... Uh-oh!

Narrator: But, whoever it was had left footprints. Who spilled the Tubby custard?

Tinky Winky: Who spilled the Tubby custard? Ooooh!

Narrator: Tinky Winky followed the footprints.

Tinky Winky: Footprints.

Narrator: Tinky Winky followed the footprints over the hills...

Tinky Winky: Over the hills.

Narrator: and round the bush...

Tinky Winky: Around the bush.

Narrator: to the place, where Dipsy was sitting with the rabbits.

Tinky Winky: Eh-oh Dipsy.

Dipsy: Eh-oh Tinky Winky.

Narrator: Was it Dipsy who spilled the custard?

Tinky Winky: Dipsy spilled the Tubby custard?

Dipsy: No.

Tinky Winky: No?

Narrator: And sure enough the footprints carried on. Who spilled the Tubby custard?

Both: Who spilled the Tubby custard?

Dipsy: Who spilled the Tubby custard?

Narrator: Tinky Winky and Dipsy followed the footprints over the hills...

Both: Over the hills...

Narrator: to the place, where Laa-Laa was dancing.

Both: Eh-oh Laa-Laa.

Laa-Laa: Eh-oh Dipsy, Eh-oh Tinky Winky.

Narrator: Was it Laa-Laa who spilled the custard?

Tinky Winky: Laa-Laa spilled the Tubby custard?

Laa-Laa: No.

Both: No.

Narrator: And sure enough, the footprints carried on. Who spilled the Tubby custard?

All: Who spilled the Tubby custard?

Laa-Laa: Mm, erm. Who? Who spilled the Tubby custard?

Narrator: Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Laa-Laa, followed the footprints over the hills...

All: Over the hills.

Narrator: In and out of the trees...

All: In and out of the trees...

Narrator: across the path...

All: Across the path.

Narrator: around the house...

All: Across the house.

Narrator: and then they went indoors...

Tinky Winky: They went indoors.

All: Indoors, indoors, Ooooh!

Narrator: to the place, where Po was fast asleep.

Tinky Winky: Ooooh!

All: Uh-oh!

Po: (Snoring)

Narrator: Was it Po who spilled the custard?

All: Yes, ha-ha-ha.

Narrator: Who spilled the Tubby custard?

All: Po.

Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, something appeared.

Laa-Laa: La-la-la-li-la... Oh. Eh-oh. La-li-la. Ooooh! What's that? What's that? Ooooh! What's that? What's that?

Narrator: It was a watering can.

Laa-Laa: Wow! Ooooh! Eh-oh. (Echo) Eh-oh. Eh-oh. (Echo) Eh-oh.

Flowers: Lovely water! Lovely water!

Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Laa-Laa found a watering can.

Laa-Laa: Ooooh! Wow! Erm...the one day in the Teletubbyland. Erm...Laa-Laa found a watering can.

Voice Trumpet: Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With sliver bells...and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row.

Laa-Laa: Aaaah! Again, again... Yeah. Nice.

Voice Trumpet: Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With sliver bells...and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row.

Sun: (Giggling)

Laa-Laa: La-li-la-li-la! La-la-la...oh. Eh-oh.

Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Laa-Laa felt like having some tubby toast.

Laa-Laa: Mmmm yum. Laa-Laa having the tubby toast toast. Yay! Tubby toast, tubby toast. Yay the tubby toast. Yay! Tubby...toast. Tubby toast, eat tubby toast. Hmm, hmm. Tubby toast. Yay! The tubby toast, the tubby toast.

Narrator: Laa-Laa smelled her tubby toast. It smelt delicious.

Laa-Laa: Mmmm. Delicious. Yeah. Mmmaa.

Tinky Winky: Eh-oh.

Narrator: Tinky Winky was out for a walk. When Tinky Winky smelt tubby toast as well.

Tinky Winky: Tubby toast, tubby toast.

Narrator: It smelt delicious.

Tinky Winky: Oh delicious.

Narrator: So Tinky Winky decided to go and have tubby toast as well.

Tinky Winky: Eh-oh Laa-Laa.

Laa-Laa: Oh. Eh-oh Tinky Winky.

Tinky Winky: Yay the tubby toast. Yay!

Laa-Laa: Tubby toast, tubby toast.

Tinky Winky: Tubby toast. Yay the tubby toast. Yay!

(Horn) honk, honk, honk.

Tinky Winky: Where the tubby toast?

Laa-Laa: Where the tubby toast?

Tinky Winky: Ah, where's the tubby toast? Ooh! Tubby toast. Tubby Toast, tubby toast. Uh-oh!

Laa-Laa: Uh-oh!

Tinky Winky: Where's the tubby toast? Aaaah.

Both: Uh-oh!

Tinky Winky: Wow tubby toast. Tubby toast. Tubby toast.

Dipsy: Be-dum, be-dum...Eh-oh. Ooooh! Tubby toast. Tubby... Look...tubby toast. Look...tubby toast.

Sun: (Giggling)

Noo-Noo: buzz...slurp.

Po: Tubby toast...Uh-oh!

Noo-Noo: buzz...slurp.

Laa-Laa: Oh dear!

Narrator: There was tubby toast all over the table.

Laa-Laa: Yes. Tubby toast be all over the table. Oh no.

Narrator: There was tubby toast all over the floor.

Noo-Noo: buzz...slurp.

Narrator: There was tubby toast all over the beds.

Po: Ooooh. Tubby toast all over the beds...oh dear.

Narrator: And there was tubby toast all over Tinky Winky.

Tinky Winky: There was tubby toast all over the Tinky Winky. Oh dear.

Narrator: And there was tubby toast everywhere.

Po: Everywhere.

Dipsy: Tubby...tubby toast everywhere.

Teletubbies: Tubby toast everywhere, Yeah!

Narrator: There was lots of tubby toast for Noo-Noo.

Noo-Noo: buzz...slurp.

Narrator: Lots of tubby toast for Po.

Po: Lots of tubby toast for Po.

Narrator: Lots of tubby toast for Laa-Laa.

Laa-Laa: Mmmm yeah. Mmmm lots of tubby toast for Laa-Laa. Yeah!

Narrator: Lots of tubby toast for Dipsy.

Dipsy: Tubby toast for Dipsy.

Narrator: Lots of tubby toast for Tinky Winky.

Tinky Winky: Lots of tubby toast for Tinky Winky.

Narrator: There was even lots of tubby toast, for the rabbits. Lots of tubby toast for everybody.

Laa-Laa: Yay! Tubby toast for everybody...

Teletubbies: Uh-oh.

Tinky Winky: Tinky Winky.

Dipsy: Dipsy.

Laa-Laa: Laa-Laa.

Po: Po.

Laa-Laa: Ooh, it's Tinky Winky.

Children: Hello, hello.

Teletubbies: Eh-oh.

Children: Come and see! Playing on the beach. (Dog barking) woof, woof, woof. Jezzle's got the ball. (Dog barking) woof, woof, woof.

(Splash) splosh, splosh.

Boy: I kicked it. Hurry up. This is gooey! Gooey! Gooey!

Girl: Where's the ball gone?

Children: Jezzle! Jezzle, where's the ball?

Boy: It's gone!

(Dog barking) woof, woof.

Children: Jezzle! Jezzle! Jezzle!

(Dog barking) woof, woof.

Girl: Where's the ball gone?

Boy: I don't know. Got to find it.

Children: Jezzle!

(Dog barking) woof, woof.

Children: Jezzle! Jezzle!

(Dog barking) woof, woof.

Boy: Jezzle's got the ball!

Girl: Jezzle's found the ball! There it is!

Children: Bye bye.

Sun: (Giggling)

Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Dipsy was out for a walk, when... Do you know what happened?

Dipsy: No. Oh no. Oh no.

Narrator: The wind blew Dipsy's hat away.

Dipsy: Oh no. The wind blew Dipsy's hat away.

Narrator: Where's my hat? said Dipsy.

Dipsy: Where's my hat?

Sun: (Giggling)

Po: Ba-di-ba-di...

Narrator: Po was on her scooter.

Po: Ba-di-ba-di-ba-di. Ba-di-ba-di-ba-di. Oh. Whee!

Sun: (Giggling)

Narrator: Where's my hat? said Dipsy.

Dipsy: Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Where's my hat?

Po: Whee!

Sun: (Giggling)

Po: Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Whee!

Dipsy: Where's my hat?

Po: Whee! Whee! Uh-oh! Ooooh! Oh dear.

Tinky Winky: Ooooh!

Narrator: Tinky Winky was very surprised, to see Dipsy's hat.

Tinky Winky: Ooooh, Dipsy's hat. Ooooh, Dipsy's hat. Ha-ha.

Narrator: Tinky Winky was very, very surprised to see Dipsy's hat.

Tinky Winky: Dipsy's hat. Ho-ho, ho-ho...Dipsy's hat.

Laa-Laa: La-li-la-li-la...

Narrator: Laa-Laa came out to see what was going on.

Laa-Laa: What's going on? Ooooh! Eh-oh Tinky Winky.

Tinky Winky: Eh-oh Laa-Laa. Look, Dipsy's hat.

Laa-Laa: Look.

Narrator: Laa-Laa went to find Dipsy.

Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy!

Dipsy: Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Where's my hat?

Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy!

Dipsy: Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Hat! Hat! Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Where's my hat?

Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy!

Dipsy: Where's my hat?

Laa-Laa: Dipsy!

Dipsy: Hat! Hat! Hat!

Laa-Laa: Dipsy!

Dipsy: Dipsy's hat! Ha ha ha!

Laa-Laa: Dipsy!

Dipsy: Hat!

Laa-Laa: Dipsy!

Dipsy: Dipsy Hat! Dipsy hat!

Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy! Here. Ee-ar.

Dipsy: Hat, hat, hat!

Laa-Laa: Yeah!

Dipsy: Hat-hat-hat! Hat-hat-hat! Hat-hat! Hat-hat-hat-hat! Dipsy hat!

Narrator: Teletubbies love each other very much.

Sun: (Giggling)

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Sun: (Giggling) Narrator: Rolled right away. And then there were none. All: Ooooh! Tinky Winky: Wooo-oh...ha-ha, tinkle, winkle, tinkle... Dipsy: Weeeeee. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Pa-pa-dom, pa-pa-dom, pa-pa-dom. Laa-Laa: 'oooraay...eeeh up, la-la-la-la-la-la. Po: Ha-ha, ba-di-ba-di-ba-di-ba-di-po. Teletubbies: Eh-oh. Narrator: It was time for Tubby toast. Laa-Laa: Uh, Tubby toast... yay, Tubby toast. Tubby toast. Yes, He-he-he. Dipsy: One. Tinky Winky: Two. Po: Toast! Three! Yeah! Laa-Laa: Four...yeah, Tubby toast, Tubby toast, Tubby toast! Tinky Winky: Mmmmmm! Laa-Laa: Yum-yum, yum-yum. Teletubbies: Uh-oh. Tinky Winky: Tinky Winky. Dipsy: Dipsy. Laa-Laa: Laa-Laa. Po: Po. Ah! Look! Look! Laa-Laa: Po! Yeah! Po! Joseph: Hello! Hello! Hello! I am Joseph. Come and meet my friends. Kids: Hello! Hello! It's raining! Oh, no, we're going to get soaked! I like the rain 'cos every time it's raining. ..uummm I watch it out the window. I can't wait to go out there to get wet. Do you wish you had a rain display in your garden? Oh well! Hope you're got your hood? Yeah. Need some help. It's not working. I'll try. Try and help it 'cos it make- gotta make it Grrrrrrrrr! I can't wait to get wet! Are you ready? I am nearly ready...nearly ready. I'm ready. Well, well you haven't got your umbrella have you? No, I've got my hat. Hey, let's get that spoon. Hey Will, we're going to use our umbrellas. Come on, let's run! (Splash) Sploosh...splosh. I'm getting all wet. My clothes are getting wet... my clothes are getting wet. (Splash) Sploosh...splosh. (Splash) Sploosh...splosh. I'm not scared of you. Bye! Sun: (Giggling) Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, a cloud appeared...and it began to rain. (Rain) Tinkle, tinkle. (Whoosh) The cloud left something behind. Po: Ba-di-ba-di-ba. Ooooh! What's that? What's that? Narrator: A big puddle. Po: Ooooh! Narrator: And do you know what happened? Po: Uh-oh! (Splash) Splosh, splosh. Uh-oh! Dipsy: Eeeyyyrrr! Po: Eeeyyyrrr! Dipsy: Eeeyyyrrr! Narrator: Dipsy trod in the puddle. Dipsy: Dipsy trod in the puddle. Eeeyyyrrr! Po: Eeeyyyrrr! Dipsy: Eeeyyyrrr! Po: Eeeyyyrrr! Laa-Laa: La-la-la-la-la. Po: Uh-oh! Dipsy: Uh-oh! Narrator: Mind the puddle Laa-Laa. Po: Mind the puddle Laa-Laa. Dipsy: Mind the puddle Laa-Laa. Laa-Laa: Pardon? (Splash) Splosh, splosh. Ooooh! Eeeyyyrrr! Both: Eeeyyyrrr! Laa-Laa: Tubbily grubble! All: Eeeyyyrrr! Eeeyyyrrr! Po: Uh-oh! Dipsy: Uh-oh! Narrator: Mind the puddle Tinky Winky. Po: Mind the puddle Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky: Pardon? Dipsy: Mind the puddle Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky: Pardon? Laa-Laa: Mind the puddle Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky: What's that? All: Eeeyyyrrr! Tinky Winky: Oh, no! (Splash) Splosh. (Laughing) Sun: (Giggling) Teletubbies: Uh-oh! Sun: (Giggling) Tinky Winky: Eh-oh. Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Tinky Winky was too full up to finish his Tubby toast. Tinky Winky: Tinky full up. Noo-Noo: Buzz...slurp. Narrator: So he put it in his bag to save it for later. Noo-Noo: Buzz...slurp. Tinky Winky: In his bag! Noo-Noo: Buzz...slurp. (Tinky Winky cheering) Noo-Noo: Buzz, slurp...slurp. Tinky Winky: Bag. Narrator: It wasn't very long before he saw Dipsy's hat. Tinky Winky: Hat! Narrator: So he put it in his bag. Tinky Winky: Hat in bag. (Tinky Winky cheering) Narrator: A little further on Tinky Winky saw Laa-Laa's ball. Tinky Winky: Laa-Laa's ball. Narrator: So Tinky Winky put it in his bag. Tinky Winky: Ball in bag. (Tinky Winky cheering) Narrator: Tinky Winky hadn't gone very far, when he saw Po's scooter. Tinky Winky: Po's scooter. Narrator: So he put it in his bag. Tinky Winky: Scooter in bag. (Tinky Winky cheering) Narrator: There, now Tinky Winky's bag was all full up. Tinky Winky's bag was rather heavy. Tinky Winky: Rather heavy. Narrator: Tinky Winky couldn't carry it. Tinky Winky: Uh-oh! Narrator: Can you remember what's inside the bag? Well let's have a look. Tinky Winky: Uh-oh! Narrator: What's in the bag Tinky Winky? Tinky Winky: Po's scooter. Narrator: Po's scooter? Oh, no... What else in the bag? Tinky Winky: Uh-oh! Narrator: What's in the bag Tinky Winky? Tinky Winky: Laa-Laa's ball. Narrator: Laa-Laa's ball. What else? Tinky Winky: Uh-oh! Narrator: What's in the bag Tinky Winky? Tinky Winky: Dipsy's hat. Narrator: Dipsy's hat? No wonder the bag is so heavy Tinky Winky. Dipsy: Hat? Po: Scooter? Laa-Laa: Ball? Narrator: All the other Teletubbies were looking everywhere for their favorite things. Dipsy: Where hat? Laa-Laa: Where's the ball? Po: Where's scooter? Ooooh! Tinky Winky: Uh-oh! Narrator: So Tinky Winky decided to take everything out of the bag again. Tinky Winky: Out of the bag. Scooter! Ball! Ball! Hat. (Tinky Winky cheering) Dipsy: Look, hat...hat! Laa-Laa: Ball! Yay! Po: Scooter...scooter! Dipsy: Hat! Laa-Laa: Ball! Po: Scooter! Dipsy: Hat! Laa-Laa: Ball! Po: Scooter! Narrator: Now everybody's got their favorite thing. Tinky Winky: Uh-oh! Narrator: What's that noise? There's something still in Tinky Winky's bag. All: Ooooh! Tinky Winky: Aaauuugggghhhh!!! Yum, yum, yum, tubby toast. Teletubbies: Yeah, tubby toast. Narrator: And Tinky Winky put the piece of tubby toast back in his bag to save it for later. Teletubbies: Ooooh! Sun: (Giggling) (Snoring) Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Po fell out of bed. Po: Oh dear! Narrator: She fell down from the table. Po: Oh dear! All: Uh-oh! Po: Da. (Horn) honk. Yi. (Horn) honk. Sam. (Horn) honk. Say. (Horn) honk. Uuummm. (Horn) honk, honk, honk. Narrator: She fell over from surprise. (Horn) honk, honk, honk. Po: Oh dear! Laa-Laa: Po. Ee-ar! Po: Oh dear. Laa-Laa: (Giggle) Oh Po! Po: Laa-Laa. Big Hug. Sun: (Giggling) Narrator: Tinky Winky was watching the rabbits, when Po fell off her scooter. Po: Ba-di-ba-di-ba. Oh dear. Tinky Winky: Uh-oh. Po fell off a scooter. Narrator: And Tinky Winky fell over. Laa-Laa: Laa-laa-laa-laa-laa. Narrator: Laa-Laa come to help. Laa-Laa: Eh-oh. Oh! Whoops! Narrator: And Laa-Laa fell over. Dipsy come to help. Dipsy: Eh-oh. Uh-oh. Narrator: Oh dear. Now all the Tubbies have fallen over. Sun: (Giggling) Tinky Winky: Weeeeee. Eh-oh. Uh-oh! Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Tinky Winky saw that somebody, had spilled their Tubby custard on the floor. Tinky Winky: Somebody spilled their Tubby custard... Uh-oh! Narrator: But, whoever it was had left footprints. Who spilled the Tubby custard? Tinky Winky: Who spilled the Tubby custard? Ooooh! Narrator: Tinky Winky followed the footprints. Tinky Winky: Footprints. Narrator: Tinky Winky followed the footprints over the hills... Tinky Winky: Over the hills. Narrator: and round the bush... Tinky Winky: Around the bush. Narrator: to the place, where Dipsy was sitting with the rabbits. Tinky Winky: Eh-oh Dipsy. Dipsy: Eh-oh Tinky Winky. Narrator: Was it Dipsy who spilled the custard? Tinky Winky: Dipsy spilled the Tubby custard? Dipsy: No. Tinky Winky: No? Narrator: And sure enough the footprints carried on. Who spilled the Tubby custard? Both: Who spilled the Tubby custard? Dipsy: Who spilled the Tubby custard? Narrator: Tinky Winky and Dipsy followed the footprints over the hills... Both: Over the hills... Narrator: to the place, where Laa-Laa was dancing. Both: Eh-oh Laa-Laa. Laa-Laa: Eh-oh Dipsy, Eh-oh Tinky Winky. Narrator: Was it Laa-Laa who spilled the custard? Tinky Winky: Laa-Laa spilled the Tubby custard? Laa-Laa: No. Both: No. Narrator: And sure enough, the footprints carried on. Who spilled the Tubby custard? All: Who spilled the Tubby custard? Laa-Laa: Mm, erm. Who? Who spilled the Tubby custard? Narrator: Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Laa-Laa, followed the footprints over the hills... All: Over the hills. Narrator: In and out of the trees... All: In and out of the trees... Narrator: across the path... All: Across the path. Narrator: around the house... All: Across the house. Narrator: and then they went indoors... Tinky Winky: They went indoors. All: Indoors, indoors, Ooooh! Narrator: to the place, where Po was fast asleep. Tinky Winky: Ooooh! All: Uh-oh! Po: (Snoring) Narrator: Was it Po who spilled the custard? All: Yes, ha-ha-ha. Narrator: Who spilled the Tubby custard? All: Po. Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, something appeared. Laa-Laa: La-la-la-li-la... Oh. Eh-oh. La-li-la. Ooooh! What's that? What's that? Ooooh! What's that? What's that? Narrator: It was a watering can. Laa-Laa: Wow! Ooooh! Eh-oh. (Echo) Eh-oh. Eh-oh. (Echo) Eh-oh. Flowers: Lovely water! Lovely water! Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Laa-Laa found a watering can. Laa-Laa: Ooooh! Wow! Erm...the one day in the Teletubbyland. Erm...Laa-Laa found a watering can. Voice Trumpet: Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With sliver bells...and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row. Laa-Laa: Aaaah! Again, again... Yeah. Nice. Voice Trumpet: Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With sliver bells...and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row. Sun: (Giggling) Laa-Laa: La-li-la-li-la! La-la-la...oh. Eh-oh. Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Laa-Laa felt like having some tubby toast. Laa-Laa: Mmmm yum. Laa-Laa having the tubby toast toast. Yay! Tubby toast, tubby toast. Yay the tubby toast. Yay! Tubby...toast. Tubby toast, eat tubby toast. Hmm, hmm. Tubby toast. Yay! The tubby toast, the tubby toast. Narrator: Laa-Laa smelled her tubby toast. It smelt delicious. Laa-Laa: Mmmm. Delicious. Yeah. Mmmaa. Tinky Winky: Eh-oh. Narrator: Tinky Winky was out for a walk. When Tinky Winky smelt tubby toast as well. Tinky Winky: Tubby toast, tubby toast. Narrator: It smelt delicious. Tinky Winky: Oh delicious. Narrator: So Tinky Winky decided to go and have tubby toast as well. Tinky Winky: Eh-oh Laa-Laa. Laa-Laa: Oh. Eh-oh Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky: Yay the tubby toast. Yay! Laa-Laa: Tubby toast, tubby toast. Tinky Winky: Tubby toast. Yay the tubby toast. Yay! (Horn) honk, honk, honk. Tinky Winky: Where the tubby toast? Laa-Laa: Where the tubby toast? Tinky Winky: Ah, where's the tubby toast? Ooh! Tubby toast. Tubby Toast, tubby toast. Uh-oh! Laa-Laa: Uh-oh! Tinky Winky: Where's the tubby toast? Aaaah. Both: Uh-oh! Tinky Winky: Wow tubby toast. Tubby toast. Tubby toast. Dipsy: Be-dum, be-dum...Eh-oh. Ooooh! Tubby toast. Tubby... Look...tubby toast. Look...tubby toast. Sun: (Giggling) Noo-Noo: buzz...slurp. Po: Tubby toast...Uh-oh! Noo-Noo: buzz...slurp. Laa-Laa: Oh dear! Narrator: There was tubby toast all over the table. Laa-Laa: Yes. Tubby toast be all over the table. Oh no. Narrator: There was tubby toast all over the floor. Noo-Noo: buzz...slurp. Narrator: There was tubby toast all over the beds. Po: Ooooh. Tubby toast all over the beds...oh dear. Narrator: And there was tubby toast all over Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky: There was tubby toast all over the Tinky Winky. Oh dear. Narrator: And there was tubby toast everywhere. Po: Everywhere. Dipsy: Tubby...tubby toast everywhere. Teletubbies: Tubby toast everywhere, Yeah! Narrator: There was lots of tubby toast for Noo-Noo. Noo-Noo: buzz...slurp. Narrator: Lots of tubby toast for Po. Po: Lots of tubby toast for Po. Narrator: Lots of tubby toast for Laa-Laa. Laa-Laa: Mmmm yeah. Mmmm lots of tubby toast for Laa-Laa. Yeah! Narrator: Lots of tubby toast for Dipsy. Dipsy: Tubby toast for Dipsy. Narrator: Lots of tubby toast for Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky: Lots of tubby toast for Tinky Winky. Narrator: There was even lots of tubby toast, for the rabbits. Lots of tubby toast for everybody. Laa-Laa: Yay! Tubby toast for everybody... Teletubbies: Uh-oh. Tinky Winky: Tinky Winky. Dipsy: Dipsy. Laa-Laa: Laa-Laa. Po: Po. Laa-Laa: Ooh, it's Tinky Winky. Children: Hello, hello. Teletubbies: Eh-oh. Children: Come and see! Playing on the beach. (Dog barking) woof, woof, woof. Jezzle's got the ball. (Dog barking) woof, woof, woof. (Splash) splosh, splosh. Boy: I kicked it. Hurry up. This is gooey! Gooey! Gooey! Girl: Where's the ball gone? Children: Jezzle! Jezzle, where's the ball? Boy: It's gone! (Dog barking) woof, woof. Children: Jezzle! Jezzle! Jezzle! (Dog barking) woof, woof. Girl: Where's the ball gone? Boy: I don't know. Got to find it. Children: Jezzle! (Dog barking) woof, woof. Children: Jezzle! Jezzle! (Dog barking) woof, woof. Boy: Jezzle's got the ball! Girl: Jezzle's found the ball! There it is! Children: Bye bye. Sun: (Giggling) Narrator: One day in Teletubbyland, Dipsy was out for a walk, when... Do you know what happened? Dipsy: No. Oh no. Oh no. Narrator: The wind blew Dipsy's hat away. Dipsy: Oh no. The wind blew Dipsy's hat away. Narrator: Where's my hat? said Dipsy. Dipsy: Where's my hat? Sun: (Giggling) Po: Ba-di-ba-di... Narrator: Po was on her scooter. Po: Ba-di-ba-di-ba-di. Ba-di-ba-di-ba-di. Oh. Whee! Sun: (Giggling) Narrator: Where's my hat? said Dipsy. Dipsy: Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Po: Whee! Sun: (Giggling) Po: Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Whee! Dipsy: Where's my hat? Po: Whee! Whee! Uh-oh! Ooooh! Oh dear. Tinky Winky: Ooooh! Narrator: Tinky Winky was very surprised, to see Dipsy's hat. Tinky Winky: Ooooh, Dipsy's hat. Ooooh, Dipsy's hat. Ha-ha. Narrator: Tinky Winky was very, very surprised to see Dipsy's hat. Tinky Winky: Dipsy's hat. Ho-ho, ho-ho...Dipsy's hat. Laa-Laa: La-li-la-li-la... Narrator: Laa-Laa came out to see what was going on. Laa-Laa: What's going on? Ooooh! Eh-oh Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky: Eh-oh Laa-Laa. Look, Dipsy's hat. Laa-Laa: Look. Narrator: Laa-Laa went to find Dipsy. Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy! Dipsy: Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy! Dipsy: Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Hat! Hat! Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Where's my hat? Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy! Dipsy: Where's my hat? Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy: Hat! Hat! Hat! Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy: Dipsy's hat! Ha ha ha! Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy: Hat! Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy: Dipsy Hat! Dipsy hat! Laa-Laa: Dipsy! Dipsy! Here. Ee-ar. Dipsy: Hat, hat, hat! Laa-Laa: Yeah! Dipsy: Hat-hat-hat! Hat-hat-hat! Hat-hat! Hat-hat-hat-hat! Dipsy hat! Narrator: Teletubbies love each other very much. Sun: (Giggling) Others like you also viewed Oooh! Uh-Oh! Messes & Muddles Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Others like you also viewed Oooh! Uh-Oh! Messes & Muddles Popular Pages ‘The Orville’ – Everything You Need to Know Before Watching Season 3 ‘The Orville’ – Everything You Need to Know Before Watching Season 3 Sponsored by Hulu Dipsy Baby Sun Po Laa-Laa EXPLORE PROPERTIES Fandom Muthead Futhead Fanatical FOLLOW US OVERVIEW What is Fandom? About Careers Press Contact Terms of Use Privacy Policy Global Sitemap Local Sitemap COMMUNITY Community Central Support Help Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information ADVERTISE Media Kit Contact FANDOM APPS Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 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Written on April 05, 2023

Submitted by ShrekIsLove on April 05, 2023

Modified on April 11, 2023

16:47 min read

Quick analysis:

Scheme Text too long
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 16,314
Words 3,268
Stanzas 296
Stanza Lengths 15, 14, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 5, 3, 7

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    "Telletubbies" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 1 Jun 2024. <>.

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