Robertl.92681's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by robertl.92681  —  There are currently 79 poems total — keep up the great work!


In philosophies,
I have found nothing of value,
nothing that could be called freedom.

 Just cloying dust ,the heavy tread
of dancing with the the...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago
Simple Pleasures

These most simple pleasures,
a warm breeze, bird song, time passing, unmarked, unmeasured.
Quiet company, vibrant life, flowering in its complexities.
Deep sleep ,a soft. bed, partners who fit each others irregularities.
Good food ,a child's...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

Regret and condemnation,

 circulate in the mind,

 propagating themselves,

 making more of their kind.
Images replicate,

 demanding ever more attention,

 starving life of love,

 and any new potential,

A small act of kindness
can cast all...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

I didn't mean to be an obstacle to your vision
,to cloud your perfect day.
I really should consider the things i do or say.
You has organized reality in such a perfect way.
Forgive me my transgression,
I forgot i played a part,
and my lines...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

Without a vision ,
there is no drive.
Without drive no direction.
Without direction a drifting through,
a windblown inattention,

Driven by the chaos of circumstances
the push of social will.
a stand held on shifting sand
Compressed into...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago
Count To Three

Count to three.
Then let it be.
Exactly as it is.
Don't stir the soup.
Don't make a loop,
a circuit of complexities.
Don't drag the past,
with memory blast,
a distortion in...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

I am finally driven beyond myself ,by the futility of my own abstraction's,

 I see thought will never end itself ,it feeds on its own reactions.
Having searched through all old philosophies, a desperate dancing with the dead.
Adding argument to...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago
Just a Question

If we create images of ourselves and images of the other and images of relationship between these images ,where is reality?
Are our actions directed by images towards protecting an image. Where is reality?
Is silence and action which stems from...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago
What Price Fear

What price fear?
What can live in its frozen grip?
Not love, not joy, not honesty, nothing pure can slip.
What price fear?
That beast beneath the bed,
the heavy trudge ,the bitter grudge,
the dead silence of things that needed said.

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

Everything you touch you leave a little better.
Everyone you meet a little happier.
Every problem a little less confounding.
Every room a little brighter.
Every load a little lighter.
You leave a little profit everywhere you...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

Thought renders reality unrecognizable,
a stranger to itself.
A mutation forever shapeshifting,
mankind's greatest threat.,
Silence diminishes the poison
in attention it negates,
this rampaging infection
and all that it...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

We search for justification
for the disorder we create.
Distracted by illusion,
we play an endless waiting game,
tomorrow will be different
but we will be the same.

The emptiness of hope,
a waste of our resources.
Prisoners within our...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

Note to self,
add nothing on.
take nothing away,
all else is artifice,
drop all striving,
desist all resistance,
fall down into reality,
stretch out congeal,
let personality consume itself,
be empty,

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago
Your Call

Your call is really important to us,

 c'mon no its not.
Slurping coffee, chewing toffees ,giggling with your mates.
All beat it to the top
in the what is important stakes
What's app, messenger ,Facebook, even staring out the window.
Vacuous ...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago
Chewing the Cud

That thought is not intelligence at work,
more a chewing of the cud,
a mindless rumination
of would, or should, or could,
a residue of inattention,
a wallow in old mud.

More a choking point,
a blocking of attention,
without mobility...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago

The wise are buried with the foolish,
the sacred with the profane.
Our daily diet of random shit,
treats treasure and trash the same

A few nuggets of wisdom,
deserving of assimilation,
swamped by medias bombardment
of vacuous...

by Robert loughran

added 1 month ago
Workplace Conversation

The chitty chatty chattering,

 an easy lie in every line,
don't show me your truth,

 and i wont show you mine.
A shuffling of concerns,
pretend smiles ,postures and exclamations..
While worthwhile things are buried,
or lost in translation.

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
One track

Ambition scans forever forwards,
in denial of what's real,
with no understanding of value,
it seeks the better deal.

Oblivious to ramification's,
it wields its chosen facts,
pushing ever forward,
it runs on just one track.

It makes...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

We measure to compare,
all happenings made to fit.
An idea construed,
of what is or isn't it.

Teleological thinking,
the order of the day.
Truth an obstruction,
a thing in the way,

Circumstances made convenient,
reality it is lost.

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

Perhaps apart from physical need,
all else is contrivance,
invented by hungry thought,
seeking just its own permanence.

That every actor needs a stage,
his special part to play,
attention from his audience,
every dog must have its day..


by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

One reaction feeds another,
a circle of strife.
Expanding ever outwards,
a poor substitute for life.

More ignorance concretizes to fear,
more fodder for the corrupters.
To play their brutal game,
of us against the others.

A race to hell...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
Reaction Or Reason

Reaction ricocheting of reaction.
Inside and out there.
Bouncing back rattling to our respective positions,
reason it has no place.
Or the slow luxury of response.
The unhurried quality of grace.

The poisoned minds game of comparison.

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

Is the greater fear, new possibility,
or that the same we will remain.
Entrenched in familiarity,
a pawn in our own game.

We hold so fast,
to this sinking ship.
Clamped tightly to its mast,
scanning for the future,

 while stuck firmly...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

This rut i call my life.
This much practiced habit.
Spinning wheels ,
the clay we spray
on each other
And call it conversation

Battering each other with our delusions.
Bouncing back into our position.
A conflict of the conditioned.

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

Much better to be nothing,
than carry all the weight,
of restrictive personality,
and the prison it creates.

Much better to be nothing
and clearly perceive,.
than a postulating puppet
an I do, I don't believe.

Much better to be nothing,...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
Who I Am

My life is who i am.
No escaping the fact.
I watch it reconstruct itself,
both the traveler
and the map.

The thinker and the thought.
Distracting with abstraction.
The planer and the plan,
all predetermined,
blind ,voiceless reaction.


by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

I,m looking for something,

that can't be found,

It's from a future not yet invented.

Looking for an answer,

to a question not yet asked.

Debating with the demented.

A passenger

who has never disembarked.

Looking for the...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

Stop adding to the mix.
the soup is already overdone.
Give the ingredients some time to find their place.
Some simmering and then settle.
Art is never a competing race.
No great work a composite.
Life cumulates finds its place.

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
An Empty Cup

Is there any such thing as self taught?
What can the self teach anybody?
Can the left foot teach the right to dance?
The right hand teach the left to write?
If this life is i extrapolated,
out into the world.
What is i to do?

A pretense can...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
The Poet ,The Solider and the Plumber.

The Poet , the Solider and the Plumber,
walked a grassy field one summer day.
And in the way of men

 each would have their say.
The Poet saw the universe,

 within each blade of grass.
The Solider saw an ambush spot,

 to halt an enemy advance....

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
A Deficit Of Action

Thought does not
make amends,
for a deficit of action.
A considered response ,
a poor relation,
to an honest gut reaction.
Talk does not dress wounds.
Repair the roads.
or grow the food..
.Reasons are like seasons they change

 with the...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
Deviations From The Norm

Are we concretized towards certainty
Small deviations of the norm.
Made smaller by every belief,
any port in a storm.

Are we still animals hunted,
are we still millennia behind,.
modern life , technological advance
Have we still the monkeys...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

Watch every moment,
Watch thoughts as they arise.
See the nature of creation.
Walk this world with open eyes.

Watch the very movement,
as thought and motive merge.
Watch the silent empty space,

 from which all things emerge.


by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
Drama Part One

Now I'm asking myself these questions,
all others are excluded.
so please don't get offended,
you are not by me included.

Is it all just self absorption,
naval gazing for the bored.
Laden down with ideas of self,
distorting reality into...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

She dismembered me with words,

mine not hers,

left me swimming in my own mortification.

She opened the door, said not here, no more,

and returned me for reeducation.

To insecure,not remotely mature, living a life of imitation.


by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

Fear makes of men mere actors, .
playing whatever role,

 the baying mob demands
It demands his very...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
Pharma's New Pill

Pharma's new pill,
cures every ill.
It will keep you young,
it will make you slim,
no anxiety or depression.
You will no longer age,
it will be all the rage.
you wont even need,
to eat or breathe.
Death sure cures all disorders.


by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
The Recidivist

Back again ,back home, back here were you belong.
Like a bar room singer who only knows one song.
Where are the chains that bind you to this path.
What blinds you to other options,
Is it environment or genetics the color of ones skin,

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

The disarray is disarrayed,
the mess is getting deeper,
but the fall into the writers world
is just a little steeper.

My fussy friend is getting dismayed,
on my sanity she wonders.
I know i should put down this pen
and over lines not...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
How Heavy Are Dreams

How heavy are dreams?
How blinding one true vision?
How much pain in desire ,
that must ever burn higher.
What's excluded by great ambition?

How heavy are dreams?
How restricting our schemes?
How separative belief?
Is hope not a thief?

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
No say

Wind blown sands race low

 across the dark deserted beach.
Competing gusts skirmish ,overpower and relinquish.
Life gives way to life,

 death it has no say.
Waves overpower waves,

 but the sea remains.
Life reborn at every passing.


by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

Everyman carries his fear differently,

 its plain enough to see.
Some compact it on their frame,

 make of it an armor,

 accustomed to the pain

  they move through life stiff,

 restricted by their shame.

Others dive into passivity, adopt a...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago
A Little Tightening Around he Eye.

You asked about my day.
You felts it unproductive.
Now this is what i felt,
but perhaps I'm being reductive.

I detect a certain disapproval,
a slight pushing to comply.

 A sudden stiff annoyance ,
a little tightening around the eye.


by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

It always seem that time is lost ,that i could have better spent.
Money too, but at least i might earn a little more.
But time gives no backward glance ,no another time perhaps.
Just the unquestionable force, the no coming back. of the soft...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

I'm not fast,
i often wish ,
i was more broadly efficient.

 The most mundane tasks forever last,
I'm obviously deficient,
at getting through the daily chores,
that clamor for attention.
The most obvious things elude me
as i ponder...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

They lied about the virus.
They lied about the cure.
They lied about the dead,

 as they announced the daily score.
They lie now to the broken,
they lie now to the ill,
they lied to each other,
one thinks they lie still,

Their corruption...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

When you are confused,

Watch the mind and its

hard driving towards decision.

A frantic race to not have to face the work of calm consideration

It will hopscotch to conclusions,

create multiple delusions.

Any suspect will fit the...

by Robert loughran

added 2 months ago

Empty hours without involvement,
a passage of dead time.
Dark thoughts knocking incessant,
House invaders of the mind.
A muderous civil war,
neither side can ever win.
Every fact promotes derison,
every out a new way in.

More thoughts just...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

You want to travel .

I want to write .

You want the busy life.

I want it quiet.

You enjoy your many friends.

With me its more one love.

We are really not the epitome,

of the hand that fits the glove.

You seek to add...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Perhaps i should stop at 30 poems,i mean what more can little me say.

I barely represent even a second in the 24 hours of day.

A tiny perspective on the scope of human experience.

Stringing together words ,nicely wrapped for convenience,


by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Its a very common human trait ,

to be blind to our own

Resentments remodeled as concern.

You must show compassion,

or your cities we will burn.

We must help the stranger,

Yes of course we should,

but not ignore our...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

I could find no ending to my mother's love, or even a beginning.

No scale, no start,no ending point,

It was simply beyond all measure.

Always there, the air in which we lived,

the total background in our upbringing..

It held us up,...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

One question alone remains,

what are you willing to do about it.

Not what can you do, what might you do,

what should you do,

all those are easily answered.

But what are you willing to do about it.

Will you take it to a different...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

She was  like the sun on a cloudy day, emerging through clouds ,
as they shied away .

A rose in a weed bed ,
resplendent yet alone.
A joy to behold,
yet somehow forlorn .

That we are all slowly disapearing,
even as we speak.
Nothing can...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Some adults today like to say

they were not enough time cuddled.

Well fair enough, that can be rough,

but let's not gets things befuddled.

Did she wake you each day in time for school?

Did her fingers tie your laces?

Did she comb...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Im working on a list,
I can not call it bucket.
Its not the things i want to do,
But its the things i lived in dread.

With no thought for the future ,
I will tackle bit by bit.
Every enslavement on the list,
that i call the oh fuck...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Come closer, settle in,
lets not be me, lets not be you,
let go of all ambitions,
allow it all to fall away,
lets lose our inhibitions.

Let us be together aimless,
stop making any plan,
lose our identity ,
just a melted form,
not a woman...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

I find myself oppressed by the weight of your concern.
I mean what failings do you see in me ,that engender such alarm.
Do i need modification, a little touching up,
.You say i have potential am i maybe not enough.
Am i here and now your dream...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Too much talk has replaced communication.
It is the cheapest currency.
Shallow empty questions, instead of actual empathy.
All that s missing is a clipboard, or a blackboard and some chalk.
A bank of inane questions, then taking turns to talk.

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

ships unmoored,. we drift at night, awakening in stranger lands.
To find ourselves somewhat estranged ,questioning yesterdays plans.
the world however expects consistency, though it only exists in the dead.
It binds us to an unwritten...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago
Dont say much.

If i don't say much.
Its because i see,
me in you
and you in me.

If i don't say much,
its because I'm gone,
lost in your eyes
where i belong.

If i don't say much
its because i dare not,
risk losing this treasure
that i have...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago
Gym Life

Grab your wraps ,tighten up your straps, apply for ministrations.
The king is here, he is on the gear, and heading for the leg press station.

On a rower works an athlete ,lean not overdone.
A strength easily carried.
His arms are not called...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago
A Small Thing.

Do a small thing, do it free.
Just see it as its needed.

Do a small thing ,then let it be.
No charity case created.

Do a small thing, without intention.
A living need ,not self invention.

Do a small thing, and never again mention.

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Stop, just stop.
Surely life doesn't need to be so driven.
By endless needs and should haves,
by self rewarding and misgivings.
The puppet pulls the strings
the puppeteer pulls the faces
somewhere along the way

 we seemed to exchange places...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago
A thought

A thought for those formed hard by violence in all its manifestations.
A thought for those chased from home by terrible situations.
A thought for those who have known only fear, no loving voice no hand to steer.
A thought for those who walk the...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Without Truth, love, a morality a code.
Man is but a despairing beast.

 An energy forever dissipating
Denied the doors to brotherhood,
they gather on the fringes.
Verbose but without a voice
middle age delinquents.
Hollywood done us in

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

You had become the normal, the everyday ,the expected.
like air essential but unnoticed,

 only your absence awakens my conflicted self to my

  blindness ,

 to you the ground the walls around me.

 Oblivious supported protected yet unaware


by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

The anxious mind seeks only escape,
to where it doesn't matter.
Philosophy .faith ,the nearest gate,

 a relationship in which to fester.
The conscious mind seeing all this,

 knows in love we must abide.

  And all the fabrications of our...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago
what was i thinking

What was i thinking or was thinking I,
are the lunatics running the asylum.
I couldn't stop myself a common cry
from plaintiff and committed,

Who runs the show.
Who calls the shot's
Does anyone know
Who is. who's not

Thought must be...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

I thought myself kind,
yet allowed bitter seed to grow.
I thought myself brave,
till i heard the tiger roar.
I thought myself committed,
till temptation showed its face.
I thought myself self driven,
found myself lost without a plan.

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

Sometimes it pains me to speak. The sound of my voice to my years sounding accidental irrelevant and insincere.
At least with writing i can get somewhat near, to what i originally intended.
Its there for all to see.
Agree or disagree.
Very few...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago
The Beach At Night

On the beach day is becoming night.
a celestial changing of the guard.
Under the moons luminous light
sea and sand converge.

The sea lumbers ,ebbs ,recedes,
repays a far distant shore,
who's waters rise in response,
while natures rhythm...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

I must do what it is impossible for me to do
,i must overcome the tyrant,

 that lives inside my cranium.
This never sleeping giant.

I must overcome this monster.
My freedom on it rests.
He pulls strings ,presses buttons.
He says that he...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago
just a thought

Am i just escaping into dreams, my future, future plans.
Great victory's tomorrow.
Is the dreamer not just thought run wild,
escaping from its sorrow.

Is the past not just recreating itself, allowing some controlled dissent.

 Is It not just a...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago


by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

I disregarded your kindness for it came in a practical stream.
Ignored your everyday wisdom as i lived in my perpetual dream.
Felt reduced by your successes, the comparing cost us both.
I shored up my defenses, poured acid in my moat.
I woke...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago
This time of the year

That a garden is a relationship, dawned hard on me today.
I called to see my green lady,
she answered in defiant disarray.
You left me here
untattended, for weed and such to clamour and turn up months later to expect my normal glamour.
Not an...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

It was easy to see she wore the pants, the trousers and the braces.
Id show up assume my place and contort the appropriate faces.
It was widely known ,but softly shown ,she carried her claws retracted.
All went smooth as her every wish was...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

I looked upon my mothers face as she lay in peaceful slumber.
and see that even a soul as bright as hers, as kind, as good ,as humble.
Must fall beneath the weight of time, must diminish and then crumble.

And all the love and kindness,...

by Robert loughran

added 3 months ago

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