Devonb.14033's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by devonb.14033  —  There are currently 58 poems total — keep up the great work!

The things we call life!

Rain, one day, gone, the next!

 As, we sleep, the moon, glows best!
The wolves, they howl, small, mammals gather, and store!

 People, build building's, business,farms!
Babies, are born, seasons, change!

 Death takes it's place!
Yet, petals,...

by Devon Bates

 1 View
added 3 days ago
Finding peace where there is none!

Too many woes not enough, no's!

 Turning the blind eye remains today's norm!
To pardon a murderer a thief and a liar, is the same as saying I support you!

 No change, is required!
We all have it in us, the, hateful, side!

 The jealous, envious,...

by Devon Bates

added 9 days ago
Facts and Fiction!

A life worth living, is, a life, worth, working for!

 To have things taken from you teaches another lesson, watch what you give or store!
We all may be human yet we do not believe the same!

 I would rather go crazy then to let another kill me...

by Devon Bates

added 18 days ago
A world of fake love!

I hear this word!

 This four letter word!
Yet when you really mean it!

 It's felt and not heard!
I may like you!

 I may even love you with the love of God!
Yet, I will not lie, I do not love those, who pray for my demise!

 Phony and fake!

by Devon Bates

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added 19 days ago
Why should I live for another's true lies?

Miserable, in, a crowded room!

 If, I would, have listened, to, my instincts, I would, have stayed home!
Now, I'm stuck, among, people, full, of rage!

 Arguing, about who's, better!
While, I'm thinking, of, better days!

 Someone, told me, no...

by Devon Bates

added 21 days ago
There are no victories in war!

We may not always see eye to eye!

 We may not agree about the same things!
You may not like what I like!

 Yet, diffrences, are what make us both human!
You may eat what I do not!

 We may not even believe in the same God!
What makes either one...

by Devon Bates

added 24 days ago
Peace in the midst of anger!

I may not be the nicest there is, I may not marry your mother again!

 Even though you have brothers and sisters not hers, I love you for giving me a gift with a hug!

 It's not always easy to say I tried!
I spent time with you when tired so thank...

by Devon Bates

added 25 days ago
Think and then be!

Frustration comes at times!

 The words do not tell the whole story!
Maybe I rhyme!

 Focused I am!
Apart from strange lands!

 Outside, of hatred!
Inside of my mind!

 I could not see, lying to me!
I'd rather stay peaceful, alone, while I...

by Devon Bates

added 28 days ago
A great time to thrive!

So many broken dreams!

 Under estimated, and appreciated, it seems!
Most prefer to read the bad news!

 If your robbing or killing someone their all for you!
If your promoting violence they love you to death!

 When you conform to another's view...

by Devon Bates

added 29 days ago
The man with Vanilla trees!

Hay sits perfectly along the bottom!

 When you first pull in the driveway of Mr. White's estate, you"ll notice the extravogantly flowing rows of vanilla trees!

 The cows feed in the meadows around the back!
As soon as you begin to enter be...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
The Swan and her golden mate!

Along the icelands in a lake that's still warm!

 There lived a gorgeous white swan and her husband with his golden yellow wings!
The waters their are peaceful calm soothing and all!

 They met in the springtime and immediatly fell in love!

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
No matter if it's Sunny or Raining!

My poetry is loved!

 I still feel broker than most!
What a heartless body ache!

 A new day, I'll take a warm shower than off again to work I say!
How can you have three careers and still struggle to take a break in the summer?

 What is the...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
The rain and the frog!

Once apon a time there lived a frog!

 He spent his time by a river in the rainforest eating live frogs!
For years he had got used to the same routine!

 He would wake up grab a few flies for breakfast and take a swim along the deep end of a small...

by Devon Bates

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added 1 month ago
To find a reason!

Nothing, is good, again!

 This, cold wind, makes, me sick!
Some, love it, there, own coldness, keeps them, believing, that should, be, the way, to exist!

 Yet, my own instincts, keep, me striving!
I, feel love, in the heat, that's what, I live...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
When I was finally free!

I believe in creation right or wrong!

 I believe in the good of today!
No man or woman wrote life's song!

 I"ve crossed a few roads some of them were at least not cold!
Everything is as it should be!

 I"ll let the seasons bend the wind!

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
I moved on!

Why do you seek the truth in lies?

 After all the facts will always come out right!
Truth be told some want you to starve yourself so they may eat!

 Negative energy will only reward you with negative things!
Even unstable I lean to the right!

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
To ponder The Willows Tale!

Finally, again, I, breathe!

 I realized, this voice, those, words, this feeling!
Is, love, you've got me!

 At, a time, in my life, when, I knew, something, was right, there, she was!
Perfect, as, I, we follow, the light, while, the eagles, do...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
I see beyond the clouds!

Every time I overthink, I crash!
What works for you may make me mad!
Rather than to go insane in a place not for me, I've spent more time building a life made to bring out the best I see!
A dreamer I am true indeed, yet the nightmares do come,...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
My Cat my friend!

Sitting on my steps it was just another day!

 Anger disappointment heartache and pain!
Except, today turned out to become different!

 Looking to my left I saw eyes looking back!
Woe, then I saw her a black and white cat!

 Maybe, she's hungry I...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
The dark shadows inside my bedroom walls!

Too much, stress I cannot cope!

 Day after day work then home!
Thinking of all the things you do and how and why I do not trust you!

 Walking inside of my front door I smell the stench of food I abhor!
At, times I would come home late on...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
Standing by the words i spoke!

Love is a word!

 The action shown from it is better than when its heard!
To many times I've heard these words, before I was fed poison and thrown into a bush of herbs!

 Do not ask why so much hate!
Lied to cheated on I have no love for you only...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
They trouble me!

Living with you was hell!

 Taking deep breaths kept me in tune with myself!
Loving you would have been a death trap!

 I see the fake smiles they give!
Knowing the whole time they just want what they could get!

 Imagine living in a place with...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
The Dark Side Of A Quiet Mind!

I guess it's normal this rain!

 I grew to love the sound of lighting and the danger it proclaims!
When the darkness begins to fall I dream of blood and brains!

 Roasted in pure hatred, ripped up from within!
Contrary, to, popular, beliefs, a...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
The shadow that kept me sane!

Alone in this madness!

 For years, I've fought, to stay, positive!
Not knowing the whole time who watches close!

 Completely, attempting to drown me while I'm still afloat!
In the end you never cared!

 You were the solution to my problem that...

by Devon Bates

added 1 month ago
The castle with the ruby jaded room!

If, you travel, to England, their, sits, a castle!

 With walls, of pure, stone!
Marble, and diamond, were collected, by, its master!

 The story, of how, this, castle, was built, is still told, through bloody, fables and tales!
They say, a long...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
The man that built the rainbow for his storm!

Their was a man I once knew!

 His brown eyes shined too!
He, was creative and strong!

 He worked and created all day long!
He saw diamonds that shined!

 Polishing them was more than a job it was a hobby!
Truly, his creating time!

 He loved to...

by Devon Bates

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added 2 months ago
A thank an owl!

Nothing is good today!

 My coffee pot wont work my head really hurts and the dog just barks all night at the moon!

 Yet, I refuse to just quit my achievements still exist!
My owl said who's second?

 I'm multi talented!
Remain in a league all...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
To do the right thing!

I use to go why me?
Some others have it easy!
We all have situations!
Mine is no less basic!
Then I realized, what if others stated not my business! While people get robbed and others seek crime I refuse to not use what's mine!

 All of us...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
The clock on my wall left an impact on my hearing! A sound I heard!

I have done ten different things today! It started at 3:00 am, yes, the morning! The roaster was still crowing! A sound to behold! Ring ring ring! Went the alarm on my phone! I noticed today was foggy! The darkness gleaned through the blinds on my...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
Her panties grew wet every time she dreamed that he breathed!

When he walked in, her knees buckled!
Slowly catching her breath, she bent over showing her thongs!
Just to wonder if he noticed!
One day literally, his penis erect, from thought, he looked, in her eyes!
Wet grew her panties!
Like the...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
Some sickness are made!

At times I have trouble breathing!

 I toss and turn trying to warm up!
I've even broken out a few times!

 Alone is how I remain all mine!
I need my health!

 Pain in my bones!
Day after day!

 Muscles that keep hurting!
I hate they even look...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
A Cat named Blue!

There once was a Cat named Blue! He lived near the mountains, in a cabin, with his family, named true! Now they adored old Blue, he was kind to the kids and always love sincere when they would pet him! One day old Blue was out in the garden he loved...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
Not a Woman but Mother wisdom Brandy is!

We all spend a lot of time worrying!

 Right now, think of a lake!
Such a beautiful, space!

 See the birds fly!
Look at the tiny fish!

 A small group is perfect for the best gaze!
I remember a deer!

 So free!
The sun's rays!

 Everything in...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
The lesson of a thief!

Once their lived a man! He had one son, and he finally was watching his dreams come true! His hard work was paying dividends! He also had a hobby, making gorgeous gifts! All day he'd spend rather, in his plants or writing a new way to see someone's...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
The Owl that said, "Hello"!

No friends ever call me!

 Then they feel no remorse, about it!
So one day I was mellow, and decided to call the few I knew!

 To my surprise they were happy I showed too!
You do not know who's hurting, or could use a friendly ear!

 When I felt...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
A tigers tale!

Near the river there lived a tiger!

 Jack the tiger was strong and wise!
He came out at night and fish were his prize!

 Sometimes, when he needed a snack he would catch a stray rat!
Others, a poor bird would get to close and off with his head!

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
To live a dream!

Darkness speeds!

 We check all the doors before the night falls!
Screeching against our window a tree branch knocks against the panes!

 With little effort and not driven insane I turn on the porch lights and motions sensors!

 This neighborhoods...

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
A summers kiss!

I see them!

 Jumping in the pools!
I am one of them!

 Only older now different groups!I
I still remember those summer days!

 Watching her jump into the water in her bathing suit as she looked my way!

by Devon Bates

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added 2 months ago
The journal of man constantly stormed!

As night falls I settle in!
Darkness settles under the moonlight!

 The water dripping from my chin!
So much I see even though comets still flew by!

 Hurricanes and tornadoes!
Angels and there halos!

 Such things occur on an average day!

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
For I have never seen

A hat without a head?

 That does not make since?
A teacher without her students?

 Schools are not created like that!
A baby without any parents!

Life's not like that!

 Everything is as it should be!
In the end the good prevail!

by Devon Bates

added 2 months ago
When the wind blows south!

The breeze is steady! You still feel the heat though as it beats on your neck in a sweaty manner! The best times are when the trees bloom and the fruits are pruned and not from the roots! Usually a warm day brings water food and beverage sales up!...

by Devon Bates

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added 2 months ago
I spent a springtime day speaking with father times daughter! Mona Lisa remains her name!

Countless nights until infinity brought me back so I may see! All the blues and the golds, the yellows on leaves and mushrooms! To dawn till dawn, a life I made! The hawk flies and then it glides! The wolves, they howl and hunt! The lions keep...

by Devon Bates

added 3 months ago
Scene's of nature reflect in the universe, creation!

The sun comes up!

 Day, in, and, day out!
The plants, grow !
In spring, they sprout!

 The wolves, they, howl!
At, the moon!

 That's known!
Lions, are superb!

 They hunt, and they, eat!
They live, territorial!

 Safe , families, some...

by Devon Bates

added 3 months ago
This day and age!

Where stands true freedom? We all have our trials to deal with! Yet, human we all are still! Rather, Republican or Democrat, the problems we face divides us and kills! Do you hear it? The cries of the innocent are loud! Echoing from every mountain...

by Devon Bates

added 3 months ago
The evil of this world!

They plot and scheme every day! Voting for the lesser of two evils does not make my day! As a child, I learned others will betray! I'd rather have no evil and make my way! Escaping misery was being alone, for once I speak not to those who lie for...

by Devon Bates

added 4 months ago
The Blue wraith!

Look, the roses smile as it blooms!
My radiantly gorgeous, lady looked up with love in her eyes!
The bow was wrapped tight!
While they doubted her, she told me save your change I love you my profit! In the end, our son's, healing, remained a...

by Devon Bates

added 4 months ago
A new time and place

The clock talks too! It reminds with a tick that it's time to go to work! Maybe even catch a plane, a train, the bank! While we move it moves too! It loves it's a gold barrier that reminds it of its true importance in every way! It keeps us all...

by Devon Bates

added 4 months ago
A walk in the woods while thinking of a solution!

The inward parts, do tell, no thoughts! While seeing from the eyes behind the scene! Roses bloom lilies burn! Stars shine in the sky comets glare while passing by! Blessings are given as new life leads the way towards, a purpose a mind driven...

by Devon Bates

added 5 months ago
A different dream!

My heels, start, shaking! The ground, sinks lower, as the bombs, fall, on both, sides! The days, breaking! Fallen, like leaves, thrown, to the side! Family, is family! For not, one thing, altars, that, fact! Yet, I am, just me! Horrid! The taste, I...

by Devon Bates

added 7 months ago
True clouds do fall as heat warms all!

Look up! What do you see? A valley, a hill, a cloud, or, a tree? I see, them all! Beyond, the skies, the forces, take charge! The cold meets the heat! "What is that,"! Is exactly, what it did screech! As they mixed, a twist, and, a twist! Then boom!...

by Devon Bates

added 9 months ago
Peace and darkness kept me calm more than fake light!

Alone, I stood!

 With enough hate to blow up a block!
Alone, I knew I would be okay with my thoughts and my wants!

 So strive still I do!
Continuing on and finding my route!

 I'm not in love with the dawn!
The heat from the sun soothed me!

by Devon Bates

added 11 months ago
Black trees!

This noise!


 Truly terrible, are, the sounds, of, these trees!
Killing, the silence, as if, screaming!

 Tap, tap, tap!
The window, pane, makes, a screech!
Why, do, they scare, with, no applause, slicing, worse, then, a cord!

by Devon Bates

added 1 year ago
What a web I see!

Up the spider went! On to a branch that was next to it! The window was half way open! As the spider approached, it did not notice! Directly in front of the open window sat a Venus fly trap that had not eaten! Along, ran the spider strait through the...

by Devon Bates

added 1 year ago
What a web I see!

Up the spider went!
On to a branch that was next to it!
The window was half way open!
As the spider approached, it did not notice!
Directly in front of the open window sat a Venus fly trap that had not eaten! Along, ran the spider strait...

by Devon Bates

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added 1 year ago
This old place!

A sad world!
Where the mentally ill and old are mistreated!
Where it's better to lie, cheat, and steal! Some of you do it and hide behind religion, even!
That does not make it right!
Money hungry evil people!
Even the earth screams, and...

by Devon Bates

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added 1 year ago
To live is to achieve!

My thoughts aren't arranged!

 I see a man I pay attention!
Yet, my mind remains in one thought one action one step at a time, friends!

 The greatest word to describe it!
As we all live our lives conquer our fears

 laugh cry give honestly...

by DevonTBates2023©

added 1 year ago
If life were right!

What is sleep?

 If nightmares are dreams!
Yet, what is love if it goes away without a hug!

 Yet, what are spaces, if they blank out your mind as if you also do not have a heart!

 What is basic if everything you've ever had is gone and shared...

by Devon Bates

added 1 year ago
This foggy tale!

Where does this fog come from?
As, I walk, I see, no, streetlights?
I hear, no dogs, I feel, no life! Screaming on the inside, too much, remains, normal for me!
To many sides on this street, yet, they all are leading me no where! Continuing to...

by Devon Bates

added 1 year ago

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