Lp,jr.'s Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Lp,jr.  —  There are currently 56 poems total — keep up the great work!

Soiled Is The Normal

Soiled to have spoiled,
That normalcy.
And protected with an acceptance,
Is the throwing of childish tantrums.
As if ignored to dismiss and allow,
It to be sanctioned.
To overlook those feeling uncomfortable,
Of losing the face to perceive...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

Human beings we are.
Born with consciousness.
And minds to use to choose and pick,
Which directions to decide...
The best we can,
To please that choice...
We hope satisfies,
What it is inside of us to believe...
Makes sense.
Regardless of...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Rewinding Time

No time has been like these times to find,
So many blinded and found...
Doing their best to rewind,
What has gone to pass...
A past had to have lived,
With a wish to dismiss...
Reality and the truth of...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Once Over

Once an over has come to be done.
Known to anyone wanting,
It to stay that way as is.
Why is the wishing,
What has been hoping to end...
Over and over again.
Than ever before.
To think it not that bad.
When reminiscing it,
As if...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Happiness Had To Have It

Peace of mind earned to receive,
Takes living to forgive.

Seeking obstacles and negativity,
As a normal way to live.
Will never leave one's belief,
They have created their own...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Young Man

Anyone incapable to follow,
Will never be a successful leader.
If one can not listen to learn,
What knowledge will they obtain?

Excuse me?
Young man...
Are you talking to...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Enough Of This...

Enough of this...this...

Enough of what?'

Whatever is coming next,
You and I both should accept to tolerate.
Haven't you had enough of it...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Politically Played

The election game on many fields of play,
Has become these days no different...
Than a witnessing professional athletes,
Srimmaging to stir up their adoring fans...
As if they were cheering constituents.
Choosing which side to pick to win,

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Gone Is The Innocence

Gone in its appearance,
Is any remnants of innocence.
Once protected for its value.
To not subject the young,
As tools to use to expose a wickedness.
Today now seems,
In a battle for custody.
Taking full guardianship,
Over what children are taught....

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Welcomed Is The Postering

Manifested gestures,
That continue to suggest a kept interest...
In an uplifting of the quality of life,
To realize this identified...
By those once believed the middle class.
Now only shown,
The postering of backs turned.
As a way to prove,

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Selling Impressions

Pretensions to address them.
And impressions made to charade.
Has of yet fed the hungry.
Or sheltered those homeless.
In a country claiming greatness.
To leave many wishing,
For a taste of chicken soup.
Done to find them caring less,
About who...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Pharmaceutically Tested

Conscious about race?
Ethnic heritage...
And impressions to...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Rare Is This Witnessed

It matters not how long,
A stalled understanding is reached...
Between decision makers.
To keep it understood,
They represent the people.
And not their personal egos to...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

So sad.
Pitiful is the crazing madness.

So it seems to appear that way.'

Everyday the mayhem seems to escalate.
Spreading as if,
Syrup poured over hot buttered...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Progress And Change

Progress to make without change to face.
Is no different than updating,
What is familiar to rejuvenate...
An accommodating decisions made,
By those fearing change.
And how they should,
Anticipate it to...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Descendents Of Cosmo Travelers

Which way can I turn?
To do it said to hear it heard.
You and me,
Have got to be nuts.

'What now are you...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Demonstrating The Penetrating Of...A What?

We have arrived,
Into a new Era of fiction.
Animated to celebrate and praise,
For its realism.
Solidifying to validate,
A worshipping in erected statues.
Along with other idols that symbolizes,
Images to distort...
Greatness for what it is.
And not...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

The facts to us as they appear,
Will soon be revealed in detail.
As proof to produce it.

When to all of 'us' kept away from it,
Be exposed to your...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Smug Muggers Of Justice

Too many amused continue to assume,
Those growing to follow paths...
Of a spreading self destruction.
Can be compared to juvenile vandals,
Finding their way to express...
Their search to discover themselves.
And defended.
Depending upon a...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Criminalizing Factors

After a long and draining legal process,
There is one closing statement to make...
By the lawyer representing his client.
His client...
For whatever may be the reason,
Has chosen to appear with mouth taped.
And also requested,
To be...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Keep It Good

Keep it good!

'Keep WHAT good?'

What you put under your hood.

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Now...Without Further Adieu

We have been blessed,
With the presence...
Of someone,
Who can put the challenges we face...
In a perspective that prioritizes,
Where our focus should be placed.
To at least attempt to appreciate,
How best...
We all can meet these challenges....

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Of And From A Mongrel Heritage


Stop, why?'



Over there,
On one side...
Of a debating in protest line.
Are those claiming themselves to be,
Victims of a threatening diversity.

'Oh them?
The chosen power...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Replacing Reality

Just how far will the many,
Opposing truth and the facts of reality go?
To deny their own existence.
With a resisting this permitted.
Until it creates heated debates.
Boiling over into a civil...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Paying Customers

Hi. Good morning.
I would like to have 10 pounds,
Of the salmon steak.
And 3 pounds of the...

'Calm down.
What's the rush?

(looking around)
Uh...excuse me?
I have been standing here....

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Burning Souls

Who threw dirt in the atmosphere?
Turned peace evil.
And who came along to threat with fear?
Turned peace...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Bold and Beautiful

So bold and beautiful.
Are the gifted.
And born blessed with natural talents.
None to which is applied motivation.
Or a discipline that acquires,
An incentive to achieve...
More than looking beautiful.
And bold enough to seek,
Someone on...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Treated Like A Dog

Once a dog has tasted meat.
As a treat to eat?
It will nolonger matter,
How many bones are thrown.
To expect that dog,
Feeling obligated to...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Bag Draggers

Bag draggers.
Carrying on their aged to bend shoulders.
Pieces of chips,
From a past had...
Only they with wrinkled lips.
Covering toothless mouths.
Sprewing nothing out,
But how times were to live.
When they had been little...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Fast Are Times Changing

It does not seem to have been,
That long ago.
When many did the best they could,
To grow and accept...
A respecting of others.
Regardless where they lived.
Whether rich or poor.
Race, ethnicity or...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Taking Understanding For Granted

One should never take for granted,
What is believed to understand...
To later realize,
What was thought to understand...
Taken out of context,
For example...
Remember when I told you,
What was done you did to be...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Choices, Obligations With Pay

As choices and decisions are done,
To choose and make them.
Some do this to believe,
Whichever direction made to do this...
Is a personal and individual journey.
Needing no one to explain,
The why and to who...
This doing may...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Which Will It Be?

Either we fail together.
Or together we fail.
Which will it be?
With a preference to suggest?
Yes, Mister Chairman.
Your suggested...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Difficult To Believe

Incredible as it is,
I find it difficult to believe...
There are people who still refuse to accept,
The many who go to great lengths...
To get and have life lived their way.
Regardless of others.
Just to mess up,
Everybody's quality of life....

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
To You? Yes! I Have Stopped Listening

You have no idea,
How much I would give...
To at least have you pretend,
Listening to a word I say to you.
Lands perfectly.
And doesn't run off the runway?
What do I have to do?
Make a dentist appointment?
To have every tooth pulled,
Out of my...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Mismatched Attractions

Listen to them.
The ones who claim,
What it is they say repeatedly...
Who and what it is to dislike.
Trying to convince,
From Sun up until midnight.
With a hope to pray,
Those who listen are convinced.
And with a kept distance.
To stay...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Color Dazed

As black as it is massive,
This to witness Universe stays.
Adorned with stars seen to twinkle,
Light years from us away.
It is from this darkness dreams are made.
To wish upon a falling star.
Seen from where we are come true.
And yet with closed to...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
A Freedom To Plagiarize

Seldom does one's freedom to plagiarize,
Can find this attempt hiding to disguise...
Or the creator who introduces,
A fresh direction...
Someone else later uses,
To have believe...
Their theft initiated,
Is creative and innovative....

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Proving A Wrong Made Right

When anyone has done all they can.
And beyond that to prove,
There intentions are sincere.
Above reproach, honest and true.
No one should express doubt or fault.
Especially after experiencing,
What for them someone has done.
To disregard and take...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

Worshipped to idolize,
In steel encased to symbolize...
A society sculptured from images.
To represent a diversified,
Acceptance of all ethnic cultures.
Done to present,
One democracy.
With a doing to document,
Equal entitlements...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

Only those who control,
All and every aspect of the media.
To censor whomever they please to keep,
Truth from revealing it to reach...
Beyond the limits,
Of their kept comfort zones.
Heard to hear spoken or read,
Delusion free.
Will stop to prove,...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
A Shortage Of Delusions Coming

People everyday want to be told,
What it is they wish to only hear.
Even if what they hear conflicts,
With their eyes opened wide witnessing...
A truth anyone conscious,
Without being convinced of it.
Can observe to clearly see.
Needing no one to...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Rub It In

What does a throbbed headache to get,
To involve oneself in an argument.
Still to lose it over something stupid.
Making no sense to start.
From a beginning not ended.

'Go ahead.
Rub it...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

Should anyone who confesses,
With captivating theatrics.
Scene stealing.
And heart stopping dramatics.
To admit being thoughtless,
Selfish and unappreciative of others.
Done to come to address,
Having a hindsight of regrets.
Nolonger to get a...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Knowing Nothing Else

It should not be difficult to understand,
And it to discover...
We are people,
Born and raised on lies told by others.
Others to grow to know nothing else,
But what has been to them told to tell.
Victims defending their own manipulation.

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

So pungent is the aroma.
And the ongoing smell,
Of the distrusted, crusting...
Oven roasted corrupted toasted fraud.
Making words to waste them,
To describe...
How long it must have taken to prepare,
The perfect ingredients...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Efforts To Endeavor

Is it impossible to believe,
There are places these days...
That still exist.
In which people are given,
Freedoms with entitlements...
To do as they please,
In a variety of diversified activities.
And patiently instructed,
Like children learning......

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Missed Information

Is the information currently available,
Dismissed, missed?
Or purposely mis-fed.
With an intent to have presented,
To be re-interpreted...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Fortunate Friendships

Anyone fortunate to have established,
Long lasting and trusted friendships.
Will know them to have begun,
Becoming offended.
By a truth to speak it.
With an honesty that began,
Coming to hear.
Not to welcome it...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Valued More To Treasure

When one has earned a peaceful life.
To arrive by surprise.
After spending decades facing,
And man-made obstacles,
Placed intentionally in one's way.
With demeaning words heard,
On a daily basis meant to discourage.
That peace to...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

Discouragement to feel it these days,
Is a challenging task to undo.
Although there seems to be many,
Who expect more of it to get.
As if they can not quit,
A seeking for more of it.
To validate a maintain craving,
That comes to soothe a negativity...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Either Mindless Or Unconscious

Either mindless or unconscious.
Are the ones determined,
To turn the World...
Into their personal insane domain.
With it done to forget,
No power to claim to obtain it...
Is not theirs to sustain.
Without the Creator of this Earth,
Left amused and...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Too Affixed To Fiction

You, me and others will disagree,
Our realities had to have are blinded.
By minds limited to dream of things,
To want and chase impressions to make...
On others to feel better each day.
With a hoping what we choose to do,
Is approved and...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
How Bad Do You Want It

Just how bad is it you want it.
That which is claimed that you wanted.
Just how bad is it you want it.
How bad.
How bad?
If it's that bad to be wanted...
Why are you still sitting...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
Close To Almost

I find myself,
Getting close to almost turning my back.
Daring to not stare,
At a disbelief going on everywhere.
With a desire to walk away,
From all that I see.
But for whatever the reason,
Some of that which I daily observe...
I must admit,
Is so...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago
We Both Are

If I had not been born to do me.
Better than anyone else could do?
I would not be who I am.
Or be capable to debate and argue,
Over whether or not...
My identity to know,
Meets the approval of your expectations.
It has been many years now,...

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

added 2 years ago

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